Well tomorrow my mom moves in. What a change in events eh??? We are both sort of dreading living with each we have decided to make the best of it and have fun....most of it will include loving the coolest kid on the planet. On a sad note.....or I hope not sad...but maybe looks more and more like Colon cancer :-( But we will know more after Wednesday. So I now get to add her weekly doctor visits in Orange County 2 hours round trip away to my daugther's therapy visits, visits with her God Mother and my very very aggressive work schedule. I LOVE MY KIDDO as you know, but I have had NO DOWN TIME....NONE. I only get to take a bath when she naps in the morning then I spend the rest of the day watching her and on the phone with producers and stuff...when she goes to bed at 8, I start writing till 2 or so then go to bed. She wakes up at 7 and we are off and running again. Adding my ailing mom to the mix.....will probably kill me. But I love my mom and want her to get better....FAST! I still have to finish painting her room tonight and it is already almost midnight.
I was one finger typing a document with Aria on my lap that was due today cause she was just so over Mommie trying to work. I need to find a great affordable childcare, but so far no luck. She will be going to a wonderful pre-school when she is 2 but....that's when she's 2 she is almost 1 now so that's a year away. And I battle with the idea of not seeing her cute little face everyday, but today almost killed me. We actually went out for the first time in ages to a gathering of my closest friends to eat food and drink wine. Aria got a new Baby Einstein and played on a hideabed, which she jumped and giggled on all night....till 11! You go little rock star. She is usually in bed at 8pm sharp everynight since birth so every once in a while she gets a treat. It was funny everytime the group laughed collectively she would laugh and throw her arms in the air....what a fun kid really....she rocks!
So this little wonderful rock star is almost adopted we sign papers at the end of the month then wait for a court date.....weeeeeehooooo!
On that note ON TUESDAY we have a meeting with her birth sister at the agency. My sw said she sounds really nice on the phone and what was really sad is....she asked that if "they" like me do you think I can see my sister grow up? Oh God.....that breaks my heart. She has been in the system for 6 years and aged out this year and never got adopted, but knows the foster system and foster homes. She mentioned that she had never had a sister and that the baby is lucky she is getting adopted. BOY....just rip my heart out why don't ya :-(
This issue brings up a lot of feelings in age old adoptive parent dilema....I was blessed (as an adoptive parent) to have a really open and shut case....crack addict mom, homeless, toothless, never shows, doesn't work on her plan....loses baby. I feel had a chance and didn't take it so I get to raise her and now she's my daughter and part of my family. But here comes a teenager (18) who never got adopted, has the same cracked out homeless mom, who is Aria's REAL FAMILY and I am feeling :-( weird. She wants to see Aria and be her sister (which she should be....because she is her sister) and part of me wants to open my home and adopt her too.... :-) and yet...well it opens up to a whole world I didn't bargin for when I adopted a newborn baby. So I will take it one day at a time, but at the moment hearing about her sister and how much she wants to see her little 1/2 sister has brought up some weird emotions and fears. One being that we have always said that Aria is starting to look like our family, but with brown skin and now her REAL biological family will know her and is strange for me cause for a second I feel like my kiddo is someone else if that makes sense....meeting and being in a relationship with her bio sister emphasises that she is also a part of another tribe....and tonight...the eve of my mother moving in and possibly battling cancer, the fact that the light of my life is really part of another family is.....oh boy....making me feel sad. But this is adoptive parenting.....this is what happens. I have been so blessed to be oblivious. I have been ritcheous in that my daughter's birth mother was so sick...but here comes an innocent child who wants to know her sister, someone who has been given some hard blows in life and was not a cute baby, but a really hurt child and never got adopted, who is out in the world fending for herself and one of the only nice things in her world is her little sister....and everyone I know tells me to take Aria and I am again faced with the dilema....cause honestly part of me wants me to take my daughter and run and part of me wants to welcome her sister home....YIKES.....LIFE....gotta live it! But throws you some punches.
The other weird thing is I am adopting again next year and the second baby WILL be Aria's sister, but not by blood. So she will have her blood sister and her little sister, who is adopted and mom who is adopted....and in my oblivious, hippie and happiness induced state I never really looked at the dynamics of adoption...but now I see it. My angel baby with her perfect ringlet curls and big brown eyes has a white mommie and a biological 1/2 sister and a blonde auntie and soon will have an adopted little sister.....and a Momma who lives with us....and just in that description alone we will have to redefine family as so many adoptive and birth parents do everyday. The truth that no one really tells you about adoption is traverses a lot of planes and a lot of descriptions....You may be a mother....but someone was a mother to your child before you, you may love your child with everything you have to give of your heart, but someone loves her just because she is alive and maybe holding on to hope because she exists, you're WHOLE FAMILY may have put this child on a pedestal of love, but another family loves her too......and well....tonight....that is a lot to swallow. But I believe in God and the Blue Fairy and all that is good in the world and I know tht nothing but good is coming to my perfect little I take this ride. And we meet her sister on Tuesday.
musemoon, I totally understand your dilemma with Aria's sister. As you know our kids have 5 brothers that we still keep in contact with. I think it is an important connection, but we are their family. Their brothers are very important to, but a line has to be drawn. It is a difficult thing to do. I ...