Hello Everyone,
This is my first time here- my first post. I'm not unfamiliar with posting on the Internet because I'm the Host of a support site called But, this is different. While I spend much of my time, (early in the day), caring about and trying to support others in their time of need, this is my time, my 'space' if you will, to share my heart- my dreams.
I remember saying to my mother when I was around ten that I wanted to adopt a child someday. The feeling was so strong- as if I were born with it. I've read that some call it the "adoption gene". Perhaps that's true. I don't remember a time when I didn't feel almost a 'calling' to adopt. It's like a part of my personality and soul I was born with. I can't explain it. I just know it was there then and is still present today.
I've learned not to give up on your dreams. I've also come to believe how our thoughts actually create our reality. What I mean by this, (and it's only my opinion), is that if I were to give up on my dreams of adopting, I'd essentially attract that to me. That's the last thing I want. So, I believe with all my heart, that the right child at the right time will come into my life. A child who needs me and all the love I have waiting, as much as I need him or her.
This site is another step, a very real and concrete step towards living the dream. I'm putting myself out there and saying to anyone who wants to listen, "I have spent far too long waiting to be called Mommy and that special place in my heart will be filled as soon as I hear that word."
I have a lot to learn, and have learned a lot. This path will lead where it's supposed to and I know there will come a day when my heart feels fulfilled because we have a family to call our own. A family that spends birthdays, Christmas's, and every day together travelling wonderfully unexpected paths- all which lead back to home.
Thanks for stopping by and I look forward to making new friends here, to learning what I need to know, sharing whatever I can, and to all of us realizing our own dreams coming true.
With so many children in need of a true and loving family that's all thiers; I can tell you that Adoption has been my salvation. My parents have not only given my a family, but I have also been inpower'd with a pride as an Adopty; I could'nt thank 'em more. If ever you want to know anything about be...