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Home > Birth Mothers' Thoughts > By the Grace of God Adoption

By the Grace of God

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What is it that we truly need in our endeavors
Of adoption? What do we need, spiritually, and
Emotionally to survive the trials we go through?
Endurance, understanding, hope, faith, and
Patience are but a few. But grace … what role
Does that play? When we want to get things
Done … when we want to use every day we
Have to move things along … when we need
The answers … when we ache for our desires,
What things must we focus on? Action! Being
One step ahead! Moving in the power and
Will of God! But surely, surely, not grace?!

“But He said to me, “My grace is sufficient
for you, for my power is made perfect in
weakness.” (II Corinthians 12:9)

POWER!?!?! Power in grace? I never knew.
But then again, it makes perfect sense.
I don’t know if there’s anything like adoption
That will give light to our weaknesses. When
We put so much of ourselves into it, it can’t be
Helped that our hearts and souls are on the
Line. We are vulnerable by our hopes and dreams
And desires and needs. And being vulnerable
Makes one weak. But grace, grace in
Adoption is a powerful thing. God says,
“My power is made perfect in weakness!”

So, for the adopting parents who are
Filled with worry, doubt, fear, and
Overwhelming hope … for those women
Expecting children, and for those whom
Have relinquished who are filled with
Worry, doubt, fear, and overwhelming
Hope …

Consider these weaknesses an opportunity
For God to work Powerfully. Consider
Grace. After all, fear and worry are like
A rocking chair … they give you something
To do but don’t ever get you anywhere.

Grace is usually in the context of softness,
And sweetness. Like the photo displayed
Above. Grace is like a view that melts
Right into your soul. But today, when
You think of and accept grace …

Do so expecting to witness the mighty
Power of God.

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