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Children of FAE/FAS mothers...?
Children of FAE/FAS mothers...?
What kinds of things are handed dow...
Children of FAE/FAS mothers...?
The following link is to a study which asked the s...
Children of FAE/FAS mothers...?
FASD itself will not be inherited. FASD mothers ar...
Children of FAE/FAS mothers...?
If there is a family history of ADD/ADHD, or schiz...
Children of FAE/FAS mothers...?
This is SORT OF what I was asking. But not about o...
Children of FAE/FAS mothers...?
I am understanding that you are asking if mom was ...
Children of FAE/FAS mothers...?
I have not found any studies, either, and am very ...
Children of FAE/FAS mothers...?
Not 100% sure, but I believe if you have one addic...
Children of FAE/FAS mothers...?
Children of alcoholics (thus, kids with FASD) are ...
Children of FAE/FAS mothers...?
itri1972 [PHPFOX_PHRASE]core.said[/PHPFOX_PHRASE]I...
Children of FAE/FAS mothers...?
I understand that without alcohol consumption duri...
Children of FAE/FAS mothers...?
I understand that without alcohol consumption duri...
Children of FAE/FAS mothers...?
FASD is ONLY possible when the MOTHER DRINKS durin...
Children of FAE/FAS mothers...?
What kinds of things are handed down to the next g...
Soon to be new parents of drug exposed baby
It's horrible matter if someone adopt a baby who i...
Soon to be new parents of drug exposed baby
We adopted 2 children - both of which were drug ex...
Soon to be new parents of drug exposed baby
My first DD was born with weed & prescription drug...
Soon to be new parents of drug exposed baby
That explanation is perfect! Our son was exposed ...
Soon to be new parents of drug exposed baby
jamaicazzfinest [PHPFOX_PHRASE]core.said[/PHPFOX_P...