I wish that I was bilingual. I can see that maybe ...
If I were bilingual, I would definitely teach my c...
My friend has three children ranging from ages sev...
Hi Alexsa - my brother (American) married a Nicara...
I speak both English and Spanish fluently and was ...
We live in Quebec and sent our daughter to French ...
Lexie - old thread, I know. Where/how did you fin...
I just wanted to encourage anyone interested in th...
Hello: I am writing as a researcher for a Google d...
Hi there. For what it's worth, my training is als...
Hi, I'm wondering if anyone has any experience wit...
We are currantly all learning conversational Roman...
Hi, it looks like this thread might be a little ol...
Iam not a parent yet, but I am an adoptee who was ...
We are looking at adopting a child up to age 4 fro...
My DH is a native Spanish speaker. I studied Span...
My children went to a sitter across the street fro...
I adopted my son from Japan,the country I lived in...
I adopted my son from Japan,the country I lived in...
My husband speaks spanish and our son will learn a...