I was born on 6-9-1965. My birth mother Shirley Am...
My name is Cathy and I was adopted through the Chi...
I was born in Minneapolis Minnesota on July 23rd o...
My Brother was born August 8,1964 to a 15 year old...
Childrens Home Society of Minnesota, then located ...
I was born in Richmond Virginia on March 24,1970. ...
shadeinfla [PHPFOX_PHRASE]core.said[/PHPFOX_PHRASE...
Still Searching.. Male Adoptee born 4/28/1958 St P...
stilll searching
still searching
FH-Montraviatommyg [PHPFOX_PHRASE]core.said[/PHPFO...
Bumping this up for you again.
Pip :flower:
still searching
new angle ,,, a photo,, maybe someone will look at...
Sorry I haven't been back to update in a while. As...
Sorry I haven't been back to update in a while. As...
My birth mother has decided to stop all contact fo...
Just a brief update, if anyone is following this.
How is it going?! I sent you a msg and would love ...
My birth mother has agreed to exchange letters. Sh...