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Hope Cottage, DFW
If anyone has personal experience with this agency...
Adoptive name change
It should be completely up to the boys whether or ...
Adoptive name change
I did not read your post in a negative way. It do...
Adoptive name change
My only thoughts for your evaluation, based on rea...
Adoptive name change
As an adoptee, I tend to bristle at the idea of ow...
Adoptive name change
It should be up the boys being adopted.
Adoptive name change
I am currently in the process of adopting my step ...
Need help for adoptation processing
I have a daughter and she was born outside USA. My...
ISO Sister born 1986 Dallas county/Mesquite TX
Im a reunited adoptee. My sister and I are looking...
Wow! Chosen Child is amazing!We're about to adopt!
I just saw my old post from back in November.....w...
ANyone heard of Chosen Child agency in Allen, TX?
Hi. I'm Melissa, Administrator at Chosen Child Ad...
ANyone heard of Chosen Child agency in Allen, TX?
Hello, I just saw these comments. I am a licensed ...
ANyone heard of Chosen Child agency in Allen, TX?
mommyindallas [PHPFOX_PHRASE]core.said[/PHPFOX_PHR...
ANyone heard of Chosen Child agency in Allen, TX?
Hi,I live in Allen as well. I just saw your post f...
ANyone heard of Chosen Child agency in Allen, TX?
I found this Christian-based agency in Allen (subu...
Need help!
I know this is an old post, but maybe someone else...
Need help!
If there is a will then there is always a way. Mo...
Need help!
I have 2 daughters and I recently remarried. My hu...
will I ever know
Hi there. I'm not sure I have an answer to your q...
will I ever know
all this stuff going on in Iraq makes me wonder ab...