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Looking for Birth Family - Ricci? NYC 1960
My birth name is Linda Ann Ricci - ...
Looking for Birth Family - Ricci? NYC 1960
My birth name is Linda Ann Ricci - not 100% sure a...
Boy born Jan 29 1963 in Houston TX at St. Joseph Hospital
Looking for my birth parents. I was born in Houst...
Searching for my Mother's Birth Family
kristi was the mother named constance hosler by a...
Searching for my Mother's Birth Family
I am looking for anyone who may be related to or w...
was born Feb 11 1962
Was told my father was Charles Phyli...
was born Feb 11 1962
Was told my father was Charles Phylip Bryant and t...
was born Feb 11 1962
Hi, my hubby was born 3/31/62 in in peublo, co. as...
was born Feb 11 1962
I was born Feb 11 1962 in Maywood Hospital in Ca...
Born in 1968 In Chicago IL
Looking for my husband birth parents and any sibli...
Born in 1968 In Chicago IL
I emailed you my pics. I am six below you ...
Born in 1968 In Chicago IL
Hi Barb, I couldn't see your picture, my e-mail ad...
Born in 1968 In Chicago IL
Hi Karen,
My name is Barb and I am posted below yo...
Born in 1968 In Chicago IL
I am searching for my Birth Mother or any Info, I ...
Male born Milwaukee, Wisconsin 09-10-1969 looking for birth parents
I have decided to search for my birt...
Male born Milwaukee, Wisconsin 09-10-1969 looking for birth parents
millerwl71 [PHPFOX_PHRASE]core.said[/PHPFOX_PHRASE...
Male born Milwaukee, Wisconsin 09-10-1969 looking for birth parents
Do you know what hospital, parents names?
Male born Milwaukee, Wisconsin 09-10-1969 looking for birth parents
lhennes007 [PHPFOX_PHRASE]core.said[/PHPFOX_PHRASE...
Male born Milwaukee, Wisconsin 09-10-1969 looking for birth parents
My bestfriend is looking for her brother. Born at...
Male born Milwaukee, Wisconsin 09-10-1969 looking for birth parents
I have decided to search for my birth parents afte...