I really don't know where to start! This story is a long one. We took our youngest in as a fosterchild when he was 3. At 4 we got legal custody. At 5 we tryed to adopt. Was told he would not be able to keep his medical card. He is multihandicap...autism, cerbal palsy, epelipcy, mod-sev MR. Medical biils for him maked it impossible to adopt without it. After years of questioning people and research we final got tothe bottom of the whole thing and found out that he can keep his medical card as well as get PA funds and help. Our state office had not educated the regianal offices of changes that took place in 1991 thus we were told for 7 years he would loss everything. After several finalization dates being set than stop due to one problem popping up or another we thought everything was finally in place WRONG!!! The county court called to say they need a birth cert, that you can see the seal on. No porblem we tought. We went to the health dept to get it and was told he did no have one under that name. His name had been changed in 1997. we have had him since 1993. Now he came to us with birth mothers last name, birth father had DNA done was proven to be father and the childs last name was changed to fathers last name in 1993. But some how his name was changed back to mothers last name in 1997. Columbus office tells our county court this was done via an order from our count child support office as DNA done in 1997 should that this man was not the father,????CONFUSED YET!!! gets better...our child support office says they never sent anything, the last they did was in 1993, they have no idea what Columbus is talking about. Now Columbus won't do anything till we get a court order to open the sealed files to find out what the heck is going on. All this happened 2 weeks ago Monday. Judge signed court order last on Thrusday that week. We are now being told that no one knows how much longer this nightmare will take to clear up. I know if the court gives me a court order I have a deadline to follow thru with it. Doesn't this same rule apply to a state office? Has anyone ever had this happen? I hope I am making sense because all I can do anymore is cry over this whole mess. We have researched and fought for 9 years to for this and everytime we turn around another road block is put up in front of us.
Please someone help us...what can we do?? who can we call??