Originally Posted By HollyI think it might be nice to keep the boards more current - especially since all the new messages are at the bottom. It might generate more interest in the boards as well. You get tired of coming in and seeing the same topics over and over - especially if they've been talked out.What about keeping the boards current by month? Meaning that you only keep posts for one month at any given time?
Originally Posted By NathanInteresting thought. We're working to get the new messages to come up at the top instead of the bottom. It's not as easy as it looks, but we hope to get that soon. That should help you find the newer posts easier. Also, if you look on the page that lists all of the posts for a board, it will show you the date of the newest post, so you can see if any new posts have been made since you came.
Originally Posted By HollyI think it would be a great thing to archive old posts. It's nice that the dates come up to the side but it still means a lot of scrolling. Conversations seem to run their course within a month - especially with the new posts at the bottom. I do understand the process and know that it's not easy if you're not the programmer. I guess I hold others up to my expectations knowing what it does and doesn't take to add things with the knowledge of a programmer behind me. Best wishes in getting your implementations and changes made soon.Holly