male, born in grand island nebraska, august 1964
in search of info on med. history or birth family
i was born on 8-19-1964
at saint francis hospital
hall conty-grand island ne
adopted fathers name was donald l. mattke
life time railraoder with union pacific
ring any bells?
also is very strong beliefe that i have as many as 10 siblings possable 3 boys younger then me if you are older then 39 and believe you are missing one from the middle of a pack between 4 and 8 to 10 kids let me know..we could be on to something. i know im not the youngest a older sibling may rember something..
if you are from a large family that is or was in grand island ne in the mid 60's.....????????????????????
lets just guess the 3 younger boys where born 1 1/2 years apart that would still put the family there through 1969/1970..and they may very well still be there.
again...most likely 6 or more kids, 7 or more counting me, would have been a low income family at that time.
my adopted fathers name was donald l. mattke..his father was otto l. mattke. both well known in the grand island are and with the union pacific railroad.
Looking for half brother born in 1964, in or around Lincoln NE. Birth mothers last name Russell.
Please let me know it you have any information or this last name has shown up on your search.
Nothing new on this end. I was born in Grand Island NE. My Adoptive father said from a large family, 10 kids, that may or may not be true. he told me never to look I'd never find them. I have checked the birth records at the hospital and found only one boy born on that night.
Possable name ..Wagner
The half brother I am looking for would be the youngest of 6 siblings. 5 girls in my b parents, 1 boy adopted out, with only my birth mother. Do not know b-fathers name but will check with one of my older sisters, since I myself would have been about 2 yrs old.
Have you checked with the state and asked for your non-id and requested your OBC? Link to the laws for NE below.
[url=]Nebraska Adoption Laws[/url]
Kind regards,
For the most part yes, and they suck. Unless they have changed over the last couple years. I quit looking for awhile because the state was litle to no help.
TL now that you say you had more siblings you got my attention for sure, I still think its a crap shoot at this point but ya never know.
My adoptive father was a railroader from North Platte, but had stong ties to Grand Island were I was born.
There was only one baby boy born at Saint Francis that night acording to the newspaper announcemnts, but they may not have listed it if they were giving me up. The name on the bitrh announcment that is listed for that night is Wagner, if thats not them they may have met my birth mother in casual contact.....
I have not been on here in a long time. I have a 5 year old little girl now and am worried about lack of family medical history. That has spurred me to start looking again.
Any help would be great.
Born on or around 8-19-1964
St. Francies Hospital
Grand Island NE.
Only thing Dad ever said was I was from a large Family of 9 other kids, that may be BS for all I know.:hissy:
He also said he took steps to keep me from ever finding
birth family. He died in 1980.
Mom says she was not allowed to be involved with the adoption.
There names are Donald Mattke and Viloet Mattke.
Only male child listed in newspaper for 8-19-64 was to a family named Wagner. Again might be nothing to that..