Hi again, I have just gone through my non id info again and I thought I would post what I can about my natural dad. He was born in England in 1951, Protestant, and both his parents are of Scottish descent. Completed grade 12 most likely in the greater Vancouver area and may have gone on to take an apprenticeship in Diesel Engineering. His interests and hobbies at that time were music, dancing, playing guitar, working on motor bikes and car engines . He was also a recipient of the Golden Gloves award, although it didn't say what year he recieved it. He had two siblings, one 20 and the other 17 at the time of filling out the non ID papers. He expressed his feelings about becoming a father and said that he will never forget that he has a little girl that is living with another family.
I would really appreciate any help in finding him.
Birth name: Christeena Louise Ackerman
Do you have any idea where he may have done his Diesel Engineering apprenticeship???
My Dad was a Diesel fitter, and it is a small community......if you have more info, I could ask him if he knew anyone fitting that decription .........
post or pm me......
Hi Angie, everything that I wrote is unfortunately all that I know, I would imagine he may have taken the apprenticeship in the Vancouver area, that is if he did take it, I have no idea really. I wish so much that I had more to go on. I do know that my natural Mother went to Erik Hamber highschool in Vancouver, in 1969, I was born in 1970, maybe he went there too??? Anything you do to help would be appreciated more than you know. Thank you so much!
Do you have your birth certificate with original names?
Without a name, I am not sure how far we can go......Erik Hamber High School is a large one, and I think it was large in the late 60's as well.
Have you accessed all the information you are entitiled to? The laws changed about 7 years ago and we are now able to access names etc than we couldn't before.
HI Angie, All I do have is my birth name and my natural mothers name, my natural fathers name was all blanked out even though he was so co-operative with everything, also all his families names were blanked out as well. My birth name was Christeena Louise Ackerman and My natural mothers name is Meta (Mia, is what she went by) Margaret Ann Ackerman. I was born in Grace Hospital in Vancouver on Sept 15 1970. She was 17 and I think he was already finished school I think, he was born in 1951. I hope this helps somewhat.
Hi Angie, I don't know if this will get to you or not, I am hoping that it does. I have finally found and reunited with my b-mum, and I now have a name for my b-dad. She told me his name is Gordon Lawson. (possibly Larson) I am still hoping very much to find him. If you receive this I would appreciate your help more than you know.
Thank you,