hi everyone
i am trying to find my neice. her date of birth is 17 october 1979 she was named "Vanessa" at birth by my sister Jane and her then partner Brian.
"Vanessa" was born in a Queensland Hospital of Biloela. she was adopted after a couple of days and we all in the family kissed her goodbye.
if you are looking for your "family" please contact me.
As your neice is over 18 her mother can apply for identifying information from the Qld Dept of Families. It will provide your neice's adopted name, after which you can search for her whereabouts on the electoral roles. Qld adoption records were opened in 1991.
thank you for your help all i have to do now is convince my sister to apply for her name. i do know her fathers name so maybe i can go with him instead.
but if she is out there and really wants to be found by us it will all come together in the end.
thank you again for your reply