Originally Posted By Mary TThis information is posted on the Holt Information Site as of today atHolt Info-UpdateOctober 9, 2000Automatic Citizenship Legislation at RiskUrgent Action RequiredThe automatic naturalization (H.R.2883) passed the House on September 26,2000 and was sent to the Senate Judiciary Committee where there is strongbi-partisan support. In the Senate, this legislation is S.1485 The AdoptedOrphans Citizenship Act.This landmark legislation on behalf of families adopting abroad is critical.Nearly 20,000 U.S. families adopt internationally each year. Thislegislation provides direct and immediate benefit to families.Senator Jack Reed (D-RI) placed a hold on this bi-partisan legislation (S.1485) refusing to let it pass in the Senate. (As of Friday, October 6, 2000,the hold was still in place.) If this hold is not lifted -- the bill willdie.Tens of thousands of families will benefit from automatic naturalization. Itwould be a tragedy to come this close to passage to be stopped by oneindividual.Contact Senator Jack Reed and express your support of S.1485 and what itwill mean to adoptive families. Ask Senator Reed to LIFT HIS HOLD on S.1485immediately!For adoptive families who want to avoid the cost, effort and time involvedwith INS under the current naturalization process - ACT NOW!Contact him by phone, email, fax and letter. DO NOT DELAY! Tell your friendsand family to contact Senator Reed. Make it clear that adoptive familiessupport S.1485 and want it passed in this session.Send copies of your communications to the Senate Judiciary Committee,Chairman Orrin Hatch (R-UT) and Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT), RankingMember.The Honorable Jack ReedUnited States SenateWashington, DC 20510ph: 202/224-4642fx: 202/224-4680jack@reed.senate.govSenate Judiciary Committeeph: 202/224-5225fx: 202/224-9102Chairman Orrin Hatchph: 202/224-5251fx: 202/224-6331senator_hatch@hatch.senate.govSenator Patrick Leahy, Ranking Memberph: 202/224-4242fx: 202/224-3479senator_leahy@leahy.senate.govFull text of S. 1485:F.A.Q.s about this legislation:Please contact Susan Soon-Keum Cox, Holt International Children's Services,(541) 687-2202 or, with questions or concerns.This site is updated weekly. The last update was 10-9-2000 2000 by Holt International Children's Services; all rights