Hi, I have already helped my husband locate his bmom who unfortunately has passed away around 12 yrs. ago, but we did locate one 1/2 sister Terry and one 1/2 brother Eugene. There are 2 more 1/2 brothers to locate George and Bernie and would even like to locate step brother Robert and step sister Margaret (peggy). That is just on the bmoms side. We are now trying to find his bdad and & 1/2 siblings there maybe from him. Supposedly, bmom Helen Krider of Marlton, NJ had an affair with a William Kennedy who was much older than Helen and who is believed to be my husbands bdad according to his siblings. They believe he is from the Burlington County, Camden County area possibly Marlton, NJ. My husband was born 6/13/65 at Cooper Hospital in Camden,NJ and his name at birth was Steven Krider. The non-identifying info from the adoption agency said that the bmom would not give them the bdads name so she gave him her last name. If this sounds familiar to anyone please respond.
Lori-wife to Steven trying to locate all of his bfamily
Steven Krider 6/13/65
I lived in marlton, nj, and my neighbors were the kennedy's, bill is about 61, do you know how old your husband's father would be?
They are guessing he would probably be in his late 80's possibly even 90. Would you know if Bill who is 61, has a father also named Bill?
I spoke to his wife and she said he does not have a father named bill, she said he had an uncle bill, he would have been 80-90 age frame now, but passed away many years ago, she said she only recalls him leaving in hammonton, moorestown, and possibly voorhees, said that she did not think the uncle lived in marlton.
Thank you, any of those towns are a possibile. My husbands sibling were all young at the time and can't recall the exact town were he may have lived. They only guessed Marlton because that is where they lived at the time. We are wondering if his your neighbors uncle Bill has any children and what his profession may have been. You can give your neighbor my email address. I'll pm it to you.
Thank you so much.
Hi, just wondering any luck finding other family members in South Jersey..I know of a lot of people in South Jersey..TY