Hello. I am increasingly interested in International Adoption and am just starting the process of learning about the process we must go through. Our family has some interesting circumstances and I wonder if any of these circumstances will automatically put an end to our dreams of adopting a little girl. We live in Quebec, Canada. Our circumstances are:
1. We have three biological children, all boys, ages 9, 7, and 3.
2. I am a citizen of the USA with permanent residency in Canada. Do you have to be a Canadian citizen? My husband is a Canadian citizen and I've been a permanent resident for over 10 years now.
3. We are a bilingual family. My husband is French and I am English, we live in a completely French town in northwestern Quebec, the kids go to a French school, all of our local family is French, and we mostly speak English in the house. My kids are completely bilingual. A new child in the family would have to learn to speak two new languages, not just one!
4. I have epilepsy. It is very well controlled and since I was a teenager I have had 1 seizure approximately every 6 to 7 years.
We are interested in adopting an older child, a girl, or perhaps a sibling group of 2 sisters. We are open to a wide age range but I also think that they will only place a child that is younger than my youngest biological child, is that right?
Are any of these issues likely to be a serious obstacle for us? Thanks in advance to anyone who takes the time to respond.
NOTE: I posted this several days ago in another forum on this site but as I didn't get much of a response, I'm re-posting here in what I hope is a more appropriate forum. Please excuse the cross-post.
Hi, my husband and I are adopting internationally and they are quite accepting of alot of situations. Depending on what country you pick I dont think you will have many problems but every country has different sets of rules so you would have to look into that. If you are thinking an older child you might want to look into adopting locally, it would probably be faster and less costly but if you really want to adopt internationally you absolutely can adopt older children internationally. Hope that helps and if you have any other questions just pm me.
HI Skiffv and thanks for your post. I had actually considered local adoption and talked to the person in our area who handles that. He was up-front...there is a 6% chance that the birthparents could end up with our child, and a 30% chance that a child would be placed with us for life but never able to be formally adopted. The thought of either of those things happening is just terrible. It has really put me off of the idea of adopting locally. Any ideas on that?
Since you are wanting an older child you could try and find out if there are any kids that are the age gruop you are looking for with there parental rights already terminated waiting in fostercare, so then you would be able to legalize the adoption without any worry of it never happening. If thats not a possibility I would go for international adoption. I dont think you will have any problems it will just be up to you to pick a country that your interested. Hope that helps a little. Let me know if you need any help.
I cannot see why you would not be able to adopt in Canada. I know of other US citizens who live in Canada who have done so. One lady, in particular, is a US citizen, while her DH is Canadian. They have a one year old through domestic adoption.
Good luck.