well there is a full moon this weekend !!! if there is one thing that i know its that full moons and friday nights make for busy labor and delivery units!!! heres hoping that our little girl shows up safe and sound! and we can get a flight out!!!!! i will drive the 20 hours to MI if i have to!!!!!
Howdy everyone!Everything is still totally moving forward. Our pbmom made our temporary aprtment arragements in her state for our upcoming stay.She had her last ultrasound on Thursday and the baby boy is ready to come !!!Shes getting antsy to get her life back, and we are antsy to get ours started. Weird, huh?She is due 10 days from today...AHHHHHHHHHHH!We have filled out a ton of paperwork for both states and both legal sides feel like this is as smooth, as well, a babys bottom. There is still a long way to go, so we are hoping it remains this way.Thanks for all your good vibes! Ill keep you posted.
YEAH ROCKY!!!!!Congrats Mommy!! I"m so glad to hear that she is finally there!! so what is her name and get a pic to me!!! If you dont want to post here my email I know your as busy as i am.. (doing baby laundry now!! lol) So post when you can! Kerri
our adoption is over and done. we have been here in MI since the 4th, our bmom has changed her mind 3 times. we can't and will not do this any more. half of our adoption fees are depleted , not to mention hotel, airline tickets, legal fees, car rental, baby supplies, and being emotionally bankrupt! we are flying back to fl in the am. and frankly i can't wait to get back home. this bmom has been impossible. she had the nerve to tell the sw that she did not care about how we felt , that we had enough money , we would get over it! like that is all this has been about. we gave her every chance to let her parent , she even took the baby home from the hospital, we should have left then. i hope baby is going to be happy and loved. i know baby won't remember us but we will forever remember....we also finally got our court date today. i have never felt so used in my life. i know we are supposed to be all sensitive to the bmom , but she knew exactly what she was doing, even the agency said so. they are going to try to recoup some of our fees. We will see. I am sure i will see a silver lining soon, it is called the platinum coast of FL!!!! Can't wait to be home!!!
Kerri- We have been dealing with a birthfather contesting for the last 6 1/2 months. I have some idea about what you're going through. You are all in our thoughts and prayers. Rocky- You've been through so much. We'll keep the thoughts and prayers coming. Enjoy the beautiful coast and eachother.
Kerri~ so how long does the birthfather have to contest the arrangment? If she has been placed since 3/26 with you, how much longer will you have to hold your breaths? If youd rather PM, that is ok!Thanks in advance for the info! Rocky~ I cant tell you Ive been where you are, cant tell you I know how you feel or cant even imagine how I would react if I were. But I can tell you that I know the stars and the moon (or whatever your version of that is) align our lives as they were meant to be. Without sounding trite or corny- everything happens when and why it is supposed to. Although Ill never understand why and when- and why it cant happen how I want it and how I think it would be best, it doesnt. Im trying not to state the obvious, but (((((hugs))))) to you and good vibes for your future. We'll be seeing you on the general thread- Im sure!
Thank you everyone for your prayers. I'm sure that is what has gotten me though these last few weeks. Rocky I know exactly what you mean. I think my bmom was doing the same thing. The bfather never even showed to the hearing, so it was rescheduled, and again he didnt show, so the bmom signed the papers for her to have custody back, which we found out that she is just giving Aly to him. We have given her or just on this adoption spent well over 1000.00 giving the bmom over 800.00 personally. We are done for a good year now while we build back up money to do it again, not only money but the heart to do it again. We told bmom yesterday that all we wanted back was the jewerly box that was given to her in our bmother box, and 800.00 dollars. So wishing us both luck in getting funds back so we can keep on our quest to find our child or our child to find us.