Warning: Long information post about a book on Grief I'm starting to try to write/put together.
Okay,well, I guess this is a good a place as any on the boards to post this so here goes.
For those of you who have been following the Grief thread in the Healing forum (subforum), you've read some of my posts of poems and thoughts on Grief with that discussion going on over there in that thread. So, you may or may not have read that I was thinking about writing a book about Grief that had to deal with more specifically birthparent grief/adoption grief because no one's really written a book about that and I think it could be a good thing to do to help others in writing this book.
So, I've started talking more about it to my counselors and others for ideas of where to go with it and where to start and decided to come post a type of questionaire for you to answer.
I'm thinking of putting together thoughts, experiences and advice of others as well as my own in a book about grief with adoption and leaning more toward birthparent grief since I am a birthmother and have a little more life experience in that area.
Anyway, I am welcome to any and all input in response to the questions, I will post below for you to answer. If you are okay with me using what you say in the book then please let me know it's okay. If you don't want your real name used then tell me and I will put a different name to protect your confidentiality and privacy.
Also, if you don't wish to post your answers and thoughts to these questions on here then just write/type up your responses and e-mail them to me at
1) Where are you at post placement? As in how far out, 1 month, 2 months, 20 years, etc.
2) In around 2-4 pages describe your grief, as it is now and as it was in the beginning, in general?
3) Was/Is your adoption open, closed or semi-open? How do you think that influenced your grief?
4) How have you dealt with your grief so far? What have been the most effective ways you have found to deal with your grief thus bringing you healing?
5) What are some myths that you may have had to dispel or deal with before you could really grieve? Or perhaps myths that you had a hard time with?
6) What questions do you have about Grief post placement? (I intend on giving a questionaire to counselors to get their perspective and input on this birthparent/adoption grief as well. I am planning on asking the counselors/professionals for input on your questions about grief to put in the book as well.)
7) What do you wish you'd known about grief that you know now?
8) What advice or pointers would you give those who are dealing with grief or going to be dealing with grief post placement?
9) What do you think others (the world) should know about a birthparent's grief?
I apologize if some of the questions seem long or redundant. I just want to make sure I cover certain areas of this topic in writing this book.
Also if you have any recommendations for something you think would be good to include in the book then please let me know. I am open to new ideas and suggestions as I am just starting this process of putting this book together and seeing how it evolves and what the best, most effective approach is to take. I want to help others and give birthparents especially a book on grief that is specifically for them, to help them, give them ideas and/or comfort so that they can know it is normal and alright to feel and go through the things they do with grief post placement.
I am also putting this together and writing this book in hopes of it being another good resource for knowledge for just general people in the world. I think everyone should know and be able to read in a book about what we, as birthparents, experience in grief with adoption post placement. I think there needs to be more recognition in connection to the birthparent grief as well as other things so I am hoping to be a voice for birthparents when putting together this book on grief.
Any and all input from all of you would be very helpful for me with this book idea and I would greatly appreciate it.
Thank you for your time and input.
Anne :D