To set the record straight, the birth dates in NC, were hardly ever changed. What is changed is the county where you were born, and the names of your birthparents now have your adoptive parents names just as if they gave birth to you. This is because NC believes there should be a full transition just as if you were born to your adoptive parents. This was done to protect all of us who did not want the protection.
But mostly to protect the adoptive parents from interference from birth parents. The NC law new and old is really an interesting bit of reading. All who are in search mode should really take the time to read NC General Statute Chapter 48, and learn about adoption.
However, anyone on this list who is a birthmother, NCCAR would love to hear from you if you were promised confidentiality or privacy and by whom. I believe these were 'implied' promises, and therefore cannot hold up legally in a court of law. However we would like to hear from you.