I don't have much info., but I need to find out what to watch for if a child was exposed to marijana, crack and possibly heroin and alcohol prenatally.
Any advice you can give will be great. Also, if you have any links for information. I haven't been able to find much on my own.
Symptoms we have now are: speech delay, lack of eye contact, excessive drooling in older toddler, some aggression
Some Newborn withdrawl could include screaming cries, unable to be comforted, dislikes touch on his bare-it can be overwhelming same with eye contact. Poor suck-swallow.
My 15 mo-old was exposed to all you listed and more. She has minor physical delays (late walker) and minor speech delays. I'd describe her as curious, affectionate, smart, playful and happy. She's got a great appetite, sleeps ok, and and takes great joy in her life. She may have a learning disability later in school as indicated by her speech delay, but I'm still optimistic at her potential.
My ad is almost 3 yo. She was exposed heavily to crack/alcohol/cigarettes in the womb thru-out the pregnancy. She has some delays which have become more and more apparent as she has gotten older.
*disordered sleep
*sensory integration disorder
*hyperacousis ("super-sonic" hearing/sensitivity to noise)
*speech and language delays
*over-the-top meltdowns
*anxiety issues
*impulsive behaviors
She also may have more trouble learning in school. She currently can't even manage to attend long enough to be read a short story.
She receives occupational therapy, speech therapy and behavioral therapy weekly. The professionals all have a very optimistic outlook for her future because we have sought early intervention for her. HTH!
I have found these things true with my kiddos too who were exposed to meth. and cocaine.