He is sooooo darling. Thanks for all the suggestions. His skin is very dry I have been putting lotion on each diaper change and I can already see improvement. I expected his hair to be more nappy, but its very straight and silky. Will that change? Prayer for continued weight gain.
Elijahs hair was very silky, it almost felt blonde. He is almost 9 months old and the texture is changing somewhat.
Have fun with your baby.....
Yep, more than likely, that hair will change. :)
Congratulations to you and your family in his arrival!
Drihan's hair was wavy, thick and very soft, but when wet it was kinky curly. I started having to detangle and condition at 3 mo. Her hair is so thick, curly and long all the time now ;)
Our son's hair changed texture, and is still changing. It's till very soft and sikly, just curlier.
Big congrats to you on your arrival!
Congratulations for your new arrival!!!
My little guy had problem dry skin. After his bath I rubbed baby lotion combined with baby oil into his skin. It really helped. Now he kind of outgrew it.
He was born with silky hair, like a cat. At 8 months he his hair is aready quite full and I suspect that it will turn out almost straight after he gets his first haircut. Now he has large curls in the back and waves on top of his head.
We did the dry skin battle too. I liked gel baby oil and then lotion over the top for his body and then, instead of wiping my hands on a towel I would wipe them on his head. PJ at 9 months still has soft curly hair but it was starting to get kind of frizzy so we now use Pink on it and that works like a charm. Oddly, his hair never fell out and the texture never really changed.
You guys are so lucky! I can't even begin the process yet, because i'm only 24... probably the only time in my life I ever wished to be older...
Thanks so much for your helpful comments his skin already looks better. What is pink? Several of you have mentioned it.
Just a quick update. Baby T came home on the 10th at 4 lbs 13 oz. He weighed in on the 14th at 5lbs 5oz :clap: .
He is so sweet he has been my easiest baby.
A funny moment to share. My 6yo was staring intently at the baby so I asked what he thought of him. He looked at me and said I think he is going to grow up to be a black man :p . I said he probably would as he was a black person. I asked how he felt about him being black he said it was his favorite color could he be black. :D
Kelly, that could not be more funny! Gotta love a six year old whose favorite color is black! Great weight gain also!
hi just wondering if the age is your countries barrier because there are some countries that don't have any age requirements eg. liberia and guaemala and maybe haiti?