Well - I can finally post this part: we have filed a petition in court to have the "fraud" charges dropped - these are the charges which request a rescission of the adoption. ALSO to have the visitiation agreement terminated since the birmom uses it to keep us in litigation but DOES NOT VISIT!:grr: I have more news I am afraid to post - but after the fact I will post some more updates. My lawyer said while the judge has enough evidence to dismiss the charges against us and terminate the agreement he is not likely to do so because she has so many lawyers getting paid by the state of Alabama we can expect them to force it to court (this is how our tax dollars are being spent int Alabama). Also, this is the same judge who allowed the grandstanding and extremety of the last trial. HERE WE GO! Christie S. P.S. Stacy - I can't answer your question about how long we are supposed to wait - all I can say is that WE have waited LONG ENOUGH!
Thank you guys so much! Michelle, bajj, AMom2Two, sadiegirl, Linny, and daddysangel - all of you, and others, have been hanging in with me for a long time now. Yes, it is my dream that this will finally end and also that, as daddysangel said, "With your victory will come hope for us." I pray so. We expect them to drag this out for a while but I'll keep you guys updated as we go. Thanks again for your support - I'm afraid I need it. Blessings to each of you and your families.
Christie S.
Thank you guys so much! Michelle, bajj, AMom2Two, sadiegirl, Linny, and daddysangel - all of you, and others, have been hanging in with me for a long time now. Yes, it is my dream that this will finally end and also that, as daddysangel said, "With your victory will come hope for us." I pray so. We expect them to drag this out for a while but I'll keep you guys updated as we go. Thanks again for your support - I'm afraid I need it. Blessings to each of you and your families.
Christie S.
Well - I can finally post this part: we have filed a petition in court to have the "fraud" charges dropped - these are the charges which request a rescission of the adoption. ALSO to have the visitiation agreement terminated since the birmom uses it to keep us in litigation but DOES NOT VISIT!
Oh, Christie, I'm sorry it's taking so long. As we were told "the wheels of JUSTICE (??) spin slowly". Hang in there. We also have motions unanswered. I don't even know what we're waiting for any more. It gets very confusing. I'm here if you need to "talk". Hope we can both celebrate something soon. Josie