It has been suggested that a new heading be added to our Travellers Thread. I have no objection and am more than willing to do the work.
The new heading would be Officially Waiting For A Referral. The information would contain region (if applicable), age, gender and the date (month) since officially waiting. The person that originally suggested this said that it would be nice to come to a place to celebrate movements and referrals. I agree but wondered if anyone had any thoughts or comments before I go ahead and change anything.
Just to clarify, the original format would stay exactly the same, this heading will be an extra one added and only for people who are officially waiting. I will probably change the Thread name from Travellers Updated to Travellers and Waiters Updated.
Any thoughts?
Hey Pinkie - I feel bad because I used to keep track of this list and then because I started working so much I just didn't have the time to keep it up. I know it helped me with the wait for a referral when I saw people waiting longer than me - it was kinda like if they could suck it up then I can too -
What if you just called it Waiters thread or Stats thread or something like that - then it's not so wordy?
I used to keep it in a word doc and just make changes there when I updated it then I would cut and paste it. (if that helps)
I think it sounds great! When are you officially a "waiter"? When your dossier is complete?
Hi Ktates and K8c, thank you for your input so far. Yes, I'd say your officially a Waiter when you dossier is complete and basically in Russia somewhere! My agency works in about 6 different regions and I had no idea where I'd end up - I just knew once my dossier left Spain it was THERE somewhere.
I'm off to the UK for a long weekend with Antonina so if I'm a bit slow this next week you all know why.
All input is appreciated.