Hi. I'm a Senior Psychology Major at school in VA and am working on a project... If any of you fellow adoptees would be willing to fill out an anonymous survey, can you please PM me? It's like 15 questions and it's on attachment and learning. I need about 10-20 participants (and then I can get 20 extra points on my project! :clap: ) And for the record, there will be no spam or anything else because, even if I wanted to, I have no idea how to do that kind of thing. :)
Advertisements since I haven't gotten a great response in getting email addresses (and I totally understand why) here is the can either PM me the responses or post them here. I would GREATLY appreciate anyone doing this because I get 20 extra credit points if I actually conduct research...
Thanks a latte! ;)
Current Age:
Age of adoption:
Place of Adoption (iedomestic adoption, international from Korea, etc):
Siblings and Ages:
Do you know the surrounding circumstances regarding your adoption? Briefly describe.
Do you know anything about your biological parent(s)?
Have you searched for your biological parent(s)?
Do you have any type of contact with your biological family?
Would you describe your mother as nurturing? Why or why not? (Malerstein).
Would you consider adopting a child? Why or why not?
When you think about school (elementary through high school and college), does it evoke pleasant memories? Why or why not?
How strong is your fear of being abandoned/rejected?
Please read the following statement and put your initials:
I understand that this survey is being used for an educational research project. I will not be compensated, nor will my name appear anywhere. Any of my answers may appear in a research paper, but complete confidentiality will be maintained. My answers given were completely voluntary, and I realize that if I choose not to answer any or all of the questions, there will be no adverse consequences, but my survey may not be used in the research.