Hi All,
We are an interracial couple (I am AA and DH is CC), and we have been HS approved for over a year. No placement yet! Just an unbelievable string of unfortunate events, mismatches and failed placements. We are looking to adopt an AA or BR newborn of either gender. We are currently working with a couple of agencies. Every time someone says that we'll able to match (and get a placement) quickly I just cringe....fees are way OTT, especially since our first adoption 4 years ago, and I am finding that many agencies just aren't doing their homework or providing counseling and support to emoms so that they are clear about their choices.
Is anybody feeling me?
Any reccomendations/suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Feel free to PM me if you prefer!
BTW, we're in Calif.
Thanks for listening.
Thanks so much for sharing your story and insight. Did you use a county agency? (We're in Alameda County) I'm not hip to all the different types of entities involved with adoption from foster care. We already have an approved homestudy for a private adoption - do you know if that can be somehow 'transformed' to one that qualifies us to accept a placement from foster care, or do we have to *sigh* start at square one?
Jumping through so many hoops that I might as well join Cirque de Soliel
Well, they say when you least expect it...
We've been 'expecting' for so long, with no results and lots of disappointment, that we sort of decided to just move on with our lives. We went away for a nice restful 3 day holiday weekend, which was interruped by a phone call...Long story short, our son went home with us 2 days ago! The most perfect situation came along for us, and now we join the ranks of the happily sleep-deprived. He is beautiful in every way!
We are so elated!
Thanks so much for your helpful suggestions, support, and virtual hugs!
Down and out no longer!
Hi All,
We are an interracial couple (I am AA and DH is CC), and we have been HS approved for over a year. No placement yet! Just an unbelievable string of unfortunate events, mismatches and failed placements. We are looking to adopt an AA or BR newborn of either gender. We are currently working with a couple of agencies. Every time someone says that we'll able to match (and get a placement) quickly I just cringe....fees are way OTT, especially since our first adoption 4 years ago, and I am finding that many agencies just aren't doing their homework or providing counseling and support to emoms so that they are clear about their choices.
Is anybody feeling me?
Any reccomendations/suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Feel free to PM me if you prefer!
BTW, we're in Calif.
Thanks for listening.
JUST when you least expect it, huh!?!??!?! SOOO HAPPY for all of you! Sleep-deprivation lasts only for awhile (even if it's a year, as I've experienced too). But....this is great! Great news. Great news!
My best to you all...
Most Sincerely,
I have said this to others who are feeling hopeless on this board, if you give up, it can never happen. And it always happens when you least expect it. I'm so very happy for you. Post photos when you can. And try to get some sleep!! :coffee:
Hello there!
I am AA and totally understand where you are coming from. I am pursuing an adoption with Commonwealth Adoptions. I have not signed with them yet, but my sister and her husband have and things are going well. Realistically certain countries just don't allow AA to adopt their children. Harsh, but that is the reality. I think you need an agency that is very upfront about what they can do before you sign the contract. With CAI we had the option of adopting from Colombia, Brazil, Guatemala..and they are beginning a program in Ethiopia. Any agency that promises a quick referral is full of it. Most infant referrals take 15 months or more. Believe me I've done my research. We are probably going to go with Brazil, but we can't get an infant as they only allow Americans to adopt children 4 and up--which is what we want idealy. I found their marketing person to be very honest and frank about what the agency could do for us. so you may want to give them a call. I called Debbie Kaiser, or Samone Hines (who is AA and director the Brazil program). Good luck!
Well, they say when you least expect it...
We've been 'expecting' for so long, with no results and lots of disappointment, that we sort of decided to just move on with our lives. We went away for a nice restful 3 day holiday weekend, which was interruped by a phone call...Long story short, our son went home with us 2 days ago! The most perfect situation came along for us, and now we join the ranks of the happily sleep-deprived. He is beautiful in every way!
We are so elated!
Thanks so much for your helpful suggestions, support, and virtual hugs!
Down and out no longer!
Well, they say when you least expect it... Long story short, our son went home with us 2 days ago!
Congrats!!! What's his name?
WOW!!!! I am so excited for you -- congrats!!!! It's so funny how things can change so quickly, isn't it? ENJOY your son!
I have many relatives who adopted through state/county agencies. I was able to become certified without incurring any expenses through county/state.
Although, this occured in 2005, I was recently contacted (3 weeks ago) about placement of 2 year old boy. The expenses (outside of preparing my home) was less than $50. In addition, my caseworker informed me to save my receipts because the state would reimburse the cost of preparing for arrival (i.e. room, car-seat, daycare deposits).
All the adoptive children within my family unit were labeled by the agency with this problem and that, but however, are thriving and exceptional.
You may want to research your state for available children.
I just read your post today for the first time and was so pleasantly surprised at the turn of events so suddenly...congratulations! How awesome!