I just found out that my birthmother had been looking for me starting September 2006 in December 2006 she was diagnosed with Lung Cancer and passed away February or early March. The sad thing about this is that I had send the request for non-identifying information in July 2006 and it was returned to me with the information on where I needed to send the document. Life got in the way and I was side tracked and did not send the letter to the proper place.
I was contacted by the Catholic Charities who notifying me that my biological mother had passed away and that my biological Aunt was looking to contact me. Right now I am just waiting for the Consent for Contact form to return from Australia so I can speak with my Aunt about the life of my birthmother.
I'm so sorry for your loss...but am glad that your baunt is looking for contact... Hopefully she can tell you about your can finally get the medical information that has eluded you all your life... and you can gain some bfamily in your life...I'm a reunited adoptee who knows what having them in your life can bring.. I wish you well...sal
how long have you had contact with your family? How was it to meet them? I am waiting on the Consent for Contact form to return from Australia and at that time I will have direct contact with my Aunt. I look forward to find out everything about their family.
I've been in reunion with my bmother, bsibs, and extended bfamily for almost 6 years now... it was THE most surreal, scary, wonderful, soul healing thing that I ever did....just wish I'd done it sooner...I feel like I really belong...personalities are similar and I finally LOOK like someone other than my children... The other thing that I was able to realize is that I grew up EXACTLY where I was supposed to grow up... it would have been very difficult growing up with a single mother in a small rural town in the 1950's...and I would not have chosen growing up with her if it meant that I couldn't have my afamily in my life... The peace that I found in my reunion is twofold...peace that I finally have answers ... no more secrets... and peace with my adoption.. I wish the same for you...sal