Okay I will do a lot just to get you to come to this
So my question is....Where can you find the old traditional paper dolls? The one that had the cardboard doll and paper clothes that you tear out or cut out. Probably shows my
I would love to be able to find them for my young nieces for birthdays.
Oh wow, I've only seen the magnetic ones these days! I do know the dolls you're talking about and they were super cool! LOL!
Now they come in metal tins and are magnetic, so good luck!
BTW, for those who don't know me...I do not have both bio and adopted kids, but I was raised in a family with both bio and adopted. ;)
Thank you bajj. I have only seen the ones made of wood. I still have mine from when I was a kid. Maybe I should just give those to my nieces. They are still in great shape.
I have only seen the magnetic ones these days myself. Maybe go out online and google them or try ebay???