and i am feeling the stress already. i hate homework. i mean teachers have our kids for 7 hours already - isnt that long enough? the little amount of family time we have left in the day is filled with homework. 2 of my kids are in the same class this year- quite a plus since we can work on projects together. we went to target last monday as a WHOLE family and bought school supplies. it cost $1,000. i am not kidding! my 2nd oldest is moving into the dorms and she had to buy sheets and that sort of stuff, but after everyone gets a backpack, paper, pencils, markers..... the list goes on and on - oh, and dont forget the T2 whatever calculators half of the kids need. whoa! we sure were getting the looks at the check out. the checker thought it was funny to say *find everything you need, huhuhu...* find a good sock in the nose! thank goodness my dh has a good job! i need a vacation!
I hear you! :cowboy: I have to admit, though, that I haven't sat down and added up what our total cost for school was for this year in supplies. I know that to enroll the kids was over $400 and that doesn't include our college son. :hypno: I save money by buying the kids school supplies throughout the year when they are on sale. I keep a cabinet with nothing but school supplies in it. :pen:
I am a little sad, this year, as there will not be anyone but me home during the day while my kids are in school - until our new children come home from another state. I can't wait!!!
2manyks, who knows! :arrow: We were selected in MAY and are still waiting for the ICPC paperwork to go through! It is getting so frustrating! I have called the SW {the paperwork is here in town} and she said she is getting it done as fast as she can...but that isn't fast enough for me!!! As of last week, they were waiting on the fingerprints and references to come back. There has been a lot of confusion over who does what paperwork which doesn't help. I am still hoping that the kids will come home *this* month!!!
I guess you crazier than me!!! LOL. Can you tell us gender, ages, adopted or bio list of your kids??? Public schooled or homeschooled?? What are you hoping for with your next adoption, and how do your kids feel about adopting again??
I am jealous, mom to 14 and adopting more. What are their ages, how do you manage, schedule, do doctors visits, homework, family outings?? Please share so that those of us who desire larger families can learn from your experiences.
EllisAJ, thanks! :flower:
I just noticed on your sig about the sibling group of five from Missouri. If it is the same one {ages 4, 4, 6, 9 & 11} and still on the website, we also submitted our home study for them. In the beginning, the SW responded to our emails immediately and then all of a sudden, we heard nothing. We assumed that a family had been selected.