I was recently informed that mothers who place their newborns have no emotional attachment to the child and vice versa from child to mother. While I know a few mothers who have stated that they purposefully forced a lack of connection with their unborn child, I don't find them to be in the majority. I'd like to hear your opinions on this. Discuss.
THis whole thread has been so enlightening to me. I believe that even if it seems unseen, that a child will/does grieve the loss of their first relationship, that of their first mother. How could you not bond with your child? That seems ludricrous. Your whole life (I am assuming, having never experienced pregnancy to term before) and body has to do with nurturing your child, whether it is hard or not. I can't say that I have necessarily seen grieving to this point in my own children, but I believe it to be true nonetheless. If nothing else, I am prepared to let them grieve and try to help them understand when it does happen. I do believe I am already seeing Bug express something that seems to be instinctive (I'm not explaining this very well... I've written and re-written this...) in that she asks lots about her first mother, even though we have had no contact in over two years, and not since she has become more aware and able to talk about how she came to our family. I think it is undeniable that there is an emotional bond between mother and child before and after birth. (((Jenna))) I'm sorry someone said this. It just leaves me so perplexed that those who have not had the experience that you and others have had in your lives, would make these kind of statements.
Okay really, I don't remember, but correct me if I'm wrong, writing that I didn't "feel" that "connection" with my son, I just said it was hard.
It's been good reading these posts. I hope with all my heart that there is an emotional connection between Finleigh and I as she grows up. I love her so terribly much. I have always loved her, even when I first found out I was pregnant and was freaking out. I will always love her.
It's ridiculous to assume there is no emotional connection between a birthmother and her child.
It's ridiculous to assume there is no emotional connection between a birthmother and her child.
I totally felt a connection to kiddo. I sang and read to him while I was pregnant and when he was born.... I couldn't believe that the little miracle that he was, was mine and something that I had created.
I still feel that connection. Maybe partly because I know that my first mom has a disconnect from me so I hang on as tightly as I can to my connection to kiddo. I don't know.
You'd only need to spend about a minute with my daughter and I to see that we do indeed have an emotional connection....and it goes both ways.
It is completely ridiculous to suggest otherwise.
I just saw Juno and I felt like they minimized her connection and attachment to the babe, but did address it a little bit during the hospital scene. I've seen that scene (and lived it) in almost every adoption I've been a part of. (I'm a birthmom and work with expectant moms-some of whom are planning adoptions.)
Like most others have already said, yes, I felt and still feel a strong bond/connection and "emotional attachment" to both my girls.If you've read my story, you've read about my bond/emotional attachment to both of them, which I still have, of course.Some thing that may seem small to others is that right after I placed both my girls and would be missing them and wondering where they were ( I didn't know yet...we just recently got more open with exchanging names/addresses etc.)...I felt myself/my thoughts/my heart drawn to thinking of/or driving to a city where they might be and both was the exact city that they do live in. I drove through the areas and right past those two cities many times before I knew for sure and always felt the closest to them and like I knew they were in that area and that city when I drove by those cities.So, yeah, of course there's an emotional attachment and a bond between us :).
I did not feel an emotional conection with my placed child, but then I did not feel an emotional conection to my parented child. I thought I was a freak when I had Ben and I didn't love him. He was this little baby who didn't do anything except eat and sleep and poop, and by the time he started to get interesting, I was so far into post partum depression that I never got a chance to bond with him, He was just always there. I think that was one of the main reasons I placed Kale for adoption I thought I was horrible because I didn't love my child. After I had Kale and placed him, again with no emotional conection I thought I had done the right thing because I wasn't good enough for either of them. But after Kale was born my hormones balanced themselves and I came out of the fog and realized that I loved both of them so much. Ben and I are getting that conection that people enjoy from birth and Kale and I are getting our conection as well
Well short answer now no I did not feel emotionally conected to either of my children when they were born but that was due to post partum depression.
Sorry for the long post