I'm a little over a year into my OA journey, and sometimes I'm just amazed at how much the littlest bit of information can make my day or turn me into a puddle of tears.
The funny thing is, it's always something that I feel like someone else would never be able in a million years to appreciate! It's something that only parents, whether first parents or adoptive parents, would ever be able to understand.
So, what wonderfully random information about your child have you gotten to know about because of your OA?
Or, if your an aparent, what information have you shared with your childs first parents that you knew they would appreciate?
I find it funny when I ask AD bmom and bdad where she got her temper they both blame the other. It is kinda an ongoing joke. But I dofind it interesting that AD bio brother loves school buses, as does my daughter.
One day when we were just having a conversation over bparents talents and such, ad bmom said to me "I am sorry if she has an uncontrollable urge to clean and fold and organize, if so she gets that from me" I thought my husband was going to do somersaults in the air. He threw up his hands and yelled "YES". ok so the cat is out of the bag, I don't clean or organize very well, but on the up side maybe I have an organizer in the making. haha
I just have a cute story....Today, DD and I were "camping" out on our deck. She was lying on her blanket, making a picnic. She said to me, "Mama, when A and B [her birth parents] took me camping, they caught a star for me!!!!" (of course, she hasn't been camping with them, but i thought it was so sweet!).
We're up to ten teeth! woohoo!!!!
She loves to dance and "read" - well, be read to :)
But my favorite little thing is that every night when they read "The Princess and the Pea" Cupcake plays with a little frozen cute!!!
More "little things" soon hopefully as it looks like we'll be having another visit sometime in the next two months!!!!
Anyone else have any updates recently???
I love that L "gets me"...she totally understood why I was disappointed that E's obsessed with Cookie Monster and not Elmo because he's the dumb muppet. :love:
She was just as fascinated in WHY! Was it his blue color? His voice? His room is now a shrine and she thinks it's hysterical.
She loved a picture of him playing in a box. I was concerned that she would see I let him play in only a diaper but she didn't even mention it....she just loved the fact that he would rather play in an old cardboard box and that I painted windows on it and now we call it his office :evilgrin:
I just love that there is another woman who is his mother. I can't explain how it makes me feel...sort of safe, supported...(((((shrug))))))