How does a homestudy work if you live in a one bedroom apartment? I know you have to have room for the child so do they wait until after you move to complete the homestudy? Can you turn in a floorplan for a 2 bedroom apt if you plan on staying in the same apartments?
I don't have an answer but I just wanted to be an encouragement. Just talk to the people who are doing the homestudyand ask them what to put in the application, but be really careful what you put in the application cuz they verify everything and take what they make perceive as deception very seriously.
I wish you tons of luck and please keep us posted.:grouphug:
I was just talking to my sister last week about her experience when she began the process of foster-to-adopt (she ended up not adopting because she met her now-husband, but that's another story). When she had her first meeting with a worker from the state agency, they explained to her the square-footage/room requirements. At the time, she was living in a 1-bdrm apt., so she went out and bought a 3-bdrm double-wide trailer. The next time she met with the worker, she told her about it, and the worker said "Why did you do that?" So apparently, at least in that case, they didn't expect her to already been in the larger home before starting her homestudy.I, on the other hand, erred on the side of caution and went ahead and moved into a 2-bdrm apt. before I even started the process. Still, when I had a consultation with the state agency here, the worker asked if this was the home I would be living in when I adopted -- which seems to imply that it didn't HAVE to be.
Hi, Sparkle. I live in a one bedroom apartment, 700-ish feet, and was licensed for 2 babies under 2! In my state (NJ), each child needs a certain square footage of room in the bedroom, and children under 2 can be in the same room as you. In my case, it guaranteed me getting a baby, which is what I wanted (and, what I got!!) :)
Good luck to you...fostering is an amazing experience!
You are going to have to already be living in your 2 bedroom. I think showing a floorplan can't hurt, but if you're adopting through the state the major part of the homestudy isn't just the child's bedroom, but also do you have the outlet cover plugs in, are the knives sharper than a butter knife in a locked container, is all household cleaning supplies locked away, etc... With fost/adopt you can get the call anytime so your place always has to be ready.
You can't become a certified foster parent until your homestudy is complete. What the agency would more than likely do is put your file on hold until you move, then once you're settled you can call and get things back in motion.