Hi all, I'm just at the research phase but was wondering if anyone could tell me how long ICPC generally takes in Florida.
My husband and I adopted from Florida. Our baby was born March 29, 2008. We were told to plan on 10 days being in-state. The agency had never had an adoption with the family being from NH so we thought it would take the full 10 days. We were told we could leave after 4 days. Hope this helps. Good luck!
about ten days, but most paper work can be filled out before hand, and than signed after the birth. I have been told CA is one state that takes longer than the ten days in FL not sure why. But everyone else appears to have taken ten days or less. Find a nice hotel that has a kitchen in it, and you will be fine, many hotels will do anything to help a couple adopting. I was traveling for work within florida an d couple from NJ was adopting and they had the baby in the hotel, so sweet, but stayed only four days and had planned on ten! So just like others advised it can take less.
Good Luck