I agreed to renew our homestudy, but we were switched to only pre-adoptive only...we are now 1 month into our second year. We had so many calls to foster, but after our first placement...much as I truly attached to him, it was clear...that a temporary situation is not right for the rest of my family. I think for us we need more clarity and more of a guarantee that we will be able to we will see if a child to adopt comes up within the next 6 months or so. I think DH and I also are leaning towards not ttc either..though we have kept this option open for years IF we could not find a child to adopt. We are also leaning towards doing an International adoption if we can't find a child here in the states. With DH now being in his 40's...we just feel time passing us we are hoping 2010 will be the year we get our answer from God what his plan is....until then we still, also patiently wait. I guess the good thing about taking in "T" for part of the summer is that HE taught us we absolutely are very comfortable adopting..but to takes a very strong and patient person and a family who is willing to take the emotional risk to love and to lose a child. Thanks to all of you who Foster...and God Bless.
HI everyone,
We are also working with a large private agency and are just waiting on the homstudy which should be scheduled soon. We are done training. We are in our early 40's with no children and are looking to adopt a 4-8 yr old girl with mild emot/dev. needs. I worked in the MH field with kids and knowwhat I can handle. We are ready to do most of our networking and are willing to travel. We know of a PA family that straight adopted a 4.5 yr old girl with behavioral issues and healthy otherwise. They were matched within 4 months.
Besides the counties in PA, are there any other lists of where we can send flyers, etc?
I was approved on Dec 16th. I got a call about an 11 year old boy and accepted but he went to live with a relative. The next day I took in an emergency placement of a 16 year old girl. She was with me for 6 days. This was all about 2 weeks ago. I am prepared to take pretty much any referral they call me with, despite the fact that I went in to adopt two brothers aged 6-10. I told the agency that I am open to any kid for any length of time. They said they will call me with any kid they get. I am waiting and waiting and it is not fun at all. If there are supposed to be so many kids needing homes, then where are they all? I just want to be a mom already and have no kids of my own to distract me from this wait.
I hear that all the time as well,there are a large number of children needing homes,well if this is the case why have I been waiting 11 months for a placement?
I have a mandatory training this month,I really don't feel like going...even though I must.
In the 11 months I got maybe 4 referrals,most out of my age range so I said no.When I did say yes,the county said NO.
I guess its really slow everywhere but PA seems to be really slow.....
No referrals in about 2 weeks. No long term placements ever. Last (only) placement was emergency for 6 days and left Feb 2.
I am mid-adoption homestudy so I am getting better at not having the phone ring. When the adoption homestudy is done, I will be switching agencies so that while I wait to get relicensed as a foster parent at the new agency, I can at least have an adoptive homestudy to send out.
Part of me is dreading when we are allowed to look in we will be back to waiting and because we are now only looking at pre-adoptive placements or adoptive placements only...I am sure the wait is going to be AGAIN long and who knows is we EVER will find a child with THIS agency....I guess I am hoping but am also willing to move on to another agency, and have to start the process all over again....UGH...for us we are going on like this almost 18 months...and longer if you count the fact we BEGAN the process in early 2008...oh well...:fish: feels like we are watching our fish swim....watching them swim in we are! :hissy: Well the positive is that we are working on our home in ALL areas so IF we ever add another child...everything is more ready then ever...PLUS I know we will have the cleanest and most organized home on earth...Not that It wasn't already overly tidy..but now...well it's even better. LOL :clap:
Hubby & I are in Fayette co and have been licensed since may with no placements! We are foster to adopt! We have inquired about over 20 girls(ages 4-10) on websites and through our cw but were not a match! It's frustrating and heart breaking but are trying to wait patiently! I agree that it will happen if/when it's meant to be!
Well for us, we switched our homestudy to another foster/adopt agency at the beginning of this year, January 2011, but we have been at a standstill since then..but I admit my heart really isn't in trying to adopt through foster care, and hasn't been for a long time now so I am taking no steps towards moving forward. DH and I have done a lot of talking since my last post...and agree that ttc is still on the table (at least till next year) as is the option of an International adoption...we are actively saving for that right now.
For us, It has been pretty much a dead-end street since 2008....and for whatever reason this is not God's Will for our family so I have complete peace finally on whatever will be, will be. I would rather have God's stamp of approval on whatever we do, then to do something that is not right for us and then have it be a big mess. For the rest of you who are still trying, keep time you will know if its right or not for YOUR family..and hopefully soon you who are still waiting, will find your forever children...God Bless!