Hey! I was just looking to see if there is anybody else on here from east Texas? I can't seem to find anyone!
I am from east texas...and looking for a good foster parent support group, our agency is small so we do not have a lot of people who understand you know of one??
Sorry~I don't know of any support groups. :( That's why I get on here! But, I'm so glad to know I'm not alone out here!
I live about 20 minutes outside of Tyler. I grew up in the city and moved out here 3 1/2 years ago. We didn't do a "normal" adoption so we didn't go through an agency. We did a relative adoption and that makes it even harder to find some support. (especially in the boonies! :) )
I totally understand, our AD was a relative adoption also, there ought to be a support for just live about 40 miles east if tyler...that is why I get on here too, and it does internet has been down a few days and I have been lost...sad huh??
I know this thread is old but I just had to respond... I'm in East Texas and trying to see if we can adopt this little girl we found on photolisting in Alabama. If that doesn't work out, we'll just keep waiting for our daughter!
I am hoping to get a homestudy done soon... if they would just call me back! UGH.
Hi there. I am from East Texas! We are just now starting to look into the whole adoption process and are trying to figure out the best one for us. I am beginning to lean toward private adoption, but I want to find out all the information I can first before choosing.
Which option are you focusing on? And, if you use an agency or attorney, which one?