Looking for birth family. Born on December 8, 1947 in Kansas City, Missouri. Adopted on January, 16, 1948 in Kansas City, Missouri. Name on birth certificate was Harriet Harris. Told I was born in home for unwed mothers and that my birth mother was from Colorado and played the piano. Also believe that birth grandfather may have had a nursery in Colorado.
Looking for birth family. Born on December 8, 1947 in Kansas City, Missouri. Adopted on January, 16, 1948 in Kansas City, Missouri. Name on birth certificate was Harriet Harris. Told I was born in home for unwed mothers and that my birth mother was from Colorado and played the piano. Also believe that birth grandfather may have had a nursery in Colorado.
Harris was your mother's maiden name? Try searching for Harris families in Colorado in the 1930 census; your birth mother should have been about two years old then. When I get some time, I'll give it a try on my Ancestry account.Any information about your birth mother's brothers, sisters etc. on your non-ID info from Jackson County Court?
Harris was your mother's maiden name? Try searching for Harris families in Colorado in the 1930 census; your birth mother should have been about two years old then. When I get some time, I'll give it a try on my Ancestry account.
Any information about your birth mother's brothers, sisters etc. on your non-ID info from Jackson County Court?
Harris was your mother's maiden name? Try searching for Harris families in Colorado in the 1930 census; your birth mother should have been about two years old then. When I get some time, I'll give it a try on my Ancestry account.Any information about your birth mother's brothers, sisters etc. on your non-ID info from Jackson County Court?
Did you get your non-ID from Rosalee at Jackson County? I was able to get mine from there as well as Catholic Charities where I was adopted from; I don't know if you can do the same. Differences in how the document was "whited out" gave me additional clues, such as placement of commas, number of letters in the State where she was from (in my case, Kansas is the only nearby state with six letters.)[url=]Where are the records for the Willows Maternity Home? | Kansas City Public Library[/url]I was lucky in my search because I was adopted into Kansas, and Kansas SRS kept copies of my original info; I was able to get copies that were not whited out because Kansas does not seal adoption records.There are currently bills before the Missouri Legislature (HB1237 and SB 594) which would open access to our Original Birth Certificates.BTW, we were "neighbors" - St. Anthony's, my orphanage, was on East 23rd.
Yes I received the information from Rosalee. I was able to figure out Colorado from the information plus what my adopted mother had told me. I haven't been able to figure out the city in Colorado or the name but because the information was typed on a typewriter the spacing and punctuation helped me. I was adopted in Missouri as you know the records are still sealed.