We have been designated to adopt a baby girl this coming May. We are SO excited. We are waiting on pins and needles to see if the birth father will sign the termination of rights and then we will begin our home study.
My three other kids are bio. My youngest is 3.5 years old. I nursed her until she was just over 3.
I REALLY want to nurse our new baby. Even after all this time, I can still squeeze some pretty good sized drops of milk from my breasts.
I am hoping to induce lacation in order to nurse my new baby, if at all possible. If I cannot produce enough to nurse her all of the time, I want to store up as much milk as possible ahead of time so that bottle feedings are breastmilk.
I am very anxious about getting the birth father's signature so I feel like I cannot start yet. Once he has signed, I think I might just jump on it and start pumping.
I am thinking that I will start with frequent pumping and herbs, since I DO still have some lacation, however minimal, going on. If I have to, I will think about the drugs.
I am curious about other's experiences at the birth of their babies. My emom is 21 and a great person but I am afraid to tell her about my plans to nurse the baby. I am worried that it might freak her out; some people think nursing a baby that is not biologically yours is gross. Should I not say anything at the hopsital and just bring the baby home and start? I would rather start at the hospital, right away, but I don't want to cause a big scene or risk her changing her mind because she thinks it is gross. Can I leagally even start at the hospital? When does she sign the papers that will allow me to take the baby home? If she signs them and I then begin nursing at the hospital, will the staff tell her? Are agencies friendly to adoptive breastfeeding or should I just keep this all quiet until we get home with the baby?
Thanks SO much for any information you can provide!
I don't know anyone amongst my age group that did this but my mother did help her sister in law out when I was a baby as her milk didn't come in and my cousin would not take any other milk. I would just wait till you have all the paperwork to start - my mother obviously related to the baby already. BTW, my cousin & I very close.
Congrats on the match!
There are others here who started without anything other than domperidone and herbs. I started by taking bcp and then pumped after about 6 weeks of bcp. Ideally, you should be on the bcp until about 6 weeks before due date. If you are already getting drops from previously, maybe just dom and herbs would be good? Not sure.
You could go onto [url=]Ask Lenore ~ Home Page[/url] and it gives you lots of info.
We are matched with an expectant mom who is due in March. I didnt want any hidden things, so I let her know almost right away abotu my plans to breastfeed. She was very excited about it.
Good luck!
I would talk to your birth mom about it. As far as what happens at the hospital it's all up to her. The nurses aren't going to stop you from breastfeeding the baby or taking care of it if that is what the birth mom wants. Depending on what state you are in birth mom usually signs no less than 48 hours after the baby is born so about the same time you would be taking him/her home. Talk to your agency about the legalities and they can always talk to your birth mom about breastfeeding if it makes you more comfortable. Good luck!