I've gone back and forth on the idea of breastfeeding my second baby. We haven't yet matched and I just don't know if it will just be too stressful to try to start producing milk now. I have one bio daughter who is almost three. I breastfed her for 5 months but stopped b/c my supply dried up. I never did produce more than 5 ounces in one breast and 2-3 in the other so we had to supplement with formula later on. I have hormone issues as it is and am on medication so I would have to go off those meds before I started pumping. With all of this in consideration, would you pump? I also work part-time during the week and wouldn't be able to pump at work. Thanks for the advice!
Hi there,
I induced lactation to breastfeed our last son, who joined our family when he was 5 months old. He nursed until he was 2.5 or so, and it was pretty amazing.
I think in deciding whether or not it is worth it for you to try to nurse would depend on what your ultimate goals are with it. So, if the main idea is to help promote bonding and attachment, and maybe also to give your new baby similar experiences to that of our bio DD, the ultimate goal doesn't necessarily have to be to obatin a full supply, which can really help to take the pressure off.
I'm not sure I found it stressful, but I did find it very time consuming - especially in the beginning - so again, it depends on how stressful you'd find that. I worked full time, and didn't pump much at work (no private bathrroms or anything) but then it did mean I'd have to do more at home. You can always do it alongside what your DD is doing - so cuddle her to watch a short video and pump for 20 minutes, or pump while she is doing puzzles or colouring.
Good luck with your decision!
Oh - also - from what I understand - what you produce in milk when you induce lactation is not necessairly what you produce after pregnancy - so you may have a totally different experience in that regard.
I am yet to find out how stressful it will be! Baby is due any day now and I have 3 other kids at home! So far, the pumping (For 5 months now!) has been fine and I only pump when I can, never at work. It works out to 4-6 times a day. I just started pumping at night this week.
I think you would be fine, if you really want to do it. It def. takes committment!