Hi all
We received word of TPR for our 10 yr old FS. He has Aspergers and ADHD (both diagnosed formally and in all his paperwork). He is in special ed because of behavioral issues at school (mainly from his lack of conscience and regard for others and impulsiveness).
The permanency plan documents list his diagnoses but the check box on the front for physical, emotional, developmental or multiple handicaps is not checked. I asked the county worker and she replied that diagnoses only go in the report, not on the first page.
Should Aspie's and/or ADHD have a handicap status indicated? Is it physical or emotional or both? We will need to have our own adoption lawyer soon so is it a good time now to start looking at the paperwork?
When you look at the little guy, you have no idea about the inner workings of his mind (and of our lives trying to help him cope with the outside world). We plan to adopt but he's going to need a lot - even potentially in adulthood - and I'm worried that the CW is starting us down a path saying that he is perfectly healthy and not special needs.
I'm nervous about negotiating this process.
Absolutely!! Especially the Asperger's. Your child will needs therapy and meds at the very least for the ADHD; not sure what will be needed for the Asperger's. And the ADHD may have you and the teachers on a first name basis!!