...until she opened her mouth.
Warning: Single parents should take blood pressure lowering medication before reading.
[url=]Ann Coulter - July 6, 2011 - CASEY ANTHONY: SINGLE MOM OF THE YEAR![/url]
I'm surprised the article was not even more offensive. I doubt she believes half of what comes out of her own mouth. Saying the most outrageous thing she can think of on any given subject is her MO. If any of you want a good laugh check out the Ann Coulter episode of the Boondocks cartoon on Adult Swim (warning strong language).
I'm surprised the article was not even more offensive. I doubt she believes half of what comes out of her own mouth. Saying the most outrageous thing she can think of on any given subject is her MO. If any of you want a good laugh check out the Ann Coulter episode of the Boondocks cartoon on Adult Swim (warning strong language).
She is just out to shock, however, as some of her fellow conservatives have pointed out, she is being irresponsible.
There is so much wrong with that whole article, I can't even start. I didn't get too far past the thing about domestic violence before I started to see red, I barely made it to the part about single mothers.
She is a twit, we live in a free country so she can spew her garbage, but it also gives me the right to call it garbage, thank heavens.
I'm surprised the article was not even more offensive. I doubt she believes half of what comes out of her own mouth.
I kinda think the same thing. Bad thing is, there are enough crazies out there who think everything she says is gospel. It's those people I worry about...
Plus to talk about ripping children from their families simply because their mother is single is beyond inappropriate. This is innocent children we're talking about.
I like how she points out the high percentage of people in prison raised by single mothers...then automatically assumes that that same percentage applies to the entire population of people raised by single mothers. Just because 50% of kids in High School X were raised by single mothers, for example, does NOT mean 50% of kids raised by single mothers attend High School X. If I ever meet her maybe I can draw her a picture to show her...obviously she missed the day in math class where they learned about venn diagrams.
I see I am not much less pissed off this morning than I was yesterday :)
[FONT=Arial]Just have to love how she doesn't give references to back up her statements.[/FONT]
The statistics are so jaw-dropping that not giving up an illegitimate child for adoption ought to be considered child abuse.
[/FONT][FONT=Arial]Nothing like sweeping general statements here - and if our biological families are such white trash - she does realize we have their genetic make-up right? Or did she miss all her biology and science classes?[/FONT]
Various studies have shown that children raised by a single mother comprise about 70 percent of juvenile murderers, delinquents, teenaged mothers, drug abusers, dropouts, suicides and runaways. Imagine an America with 70 percent fewer of these social disorders and you will see what liberals' destruction of marriage has wrought.
[/FONT][FONT=Arial]No references or even names of studies -dates?[/FONT]
A 1990 study by the (liberal) Progressive Policy Institute showed that, after controlling for single motherhood, the difference in black and white crime rates disappeared.
[/FONT][FONT=Arial]20 years ago and really no context...[/FONT]
Meanwhile, adopted kids, on average, turn out better than even biological kids raised in two-parent families.
[/FONT][FONT=Arial]Every baby born should be adopted out to the two parent (m/f) family who has been deemed acceptable and is at the top of the ifs ands or buts. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]Of course, there aren't a lot of studies of adopted children because they aren't constantly mugging us. They're too busy running Oracle (Larry Ellison), the District of Columbia (Anthony Williams), or fantastic political websites, like "Big Government" (Andrew Breitbart).
[FONT=Arial]One four-year study by the Search Institute in Minnesota found that adopted teenagers had greater empathy, higher self-esteem and more close friends than non-adopted teenagers in public schools, and were also less likely to engage in high-risk behavior, such as stealing and excessive drinking. In all, they scored higher than the control group on 16 indicators of well-being.
They were as strongly attached to their parents as their non-adopted siblings. Indeed, contrary to Hollywood movies portraying adopted kids mystically driven to find their biological parents, the majority of adopted teenagers rarely thought about the fact that they were adopted. (Apple's Steve Jobs has shown little interest in his biological father and corrects people who refer to his "adoptive parents," saying, "They were my parents.") [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]Just a note on Steve Jobs - in an interview in the late 90's to the NY Times he searched and found just after his teenage years and his biological sister is his best friend - NOTE she only says FATHER...creative journalism at it best, especially including him in the paragraph about not all adoptees are mystically driven to find their biological parents.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]Obviously she cannot wrap her head around the fact that we can have a great life / love our family and still have room in our heart to love another and want to know our story, our ancestors...must be more than she can comprehend...[/FONT]
[/FONT][FONT=Arial]The four-year study she references it was published in 1994 - 17 years ago and was in reality only a survey sent out between 1992-1993 for families with teenagers between 12-18...a survey filled out while you live in your parents home and your parents will read your answers...the link is below...[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial] [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]Search Institute launched, in 1989, a four-year study of adopted adolescents and their families. Supported by a major grant from the National Institute of Mental Health, this project generated an in-depth look at 715 families who adopted infants between 1974 and 1980. When the survey was conducted (1992-1993), these young people were in the age range of 12-18.
[FONT=Arial]Most have positive affect about adoption and only 27 percent report that adoption "is a big part of how I think about myself." Overall, we see that adoption does not typically complicate the period of adolescence. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial] [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]Adopted adolescents are as deeply attached to parents as are their non-adopted siblings. Fifty-four percent are strongly attached to both parents; 30 percent are deeply attached to one parent; and only 16 percent are not strongly attached to either parent. Equally compelling is the high percentage (95%) of parents who say they experience strong attachment to their adopted child.[/FONT]
She completely missed these more specifica and indepth studies...
[FONT=Arial]The 20 year Minnesota/Texas longitudinal study that is much more indepth and covers many aspects of being an adotpee...[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial] [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]Or the many varied studies this organization does...including...[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]Which is actually more applicable today with the high percentage of transracial adoptions...[/FONT]
I am sorry but any "journalist" who refers to people as "white trash lowlifes" is guilty of being an inflammatory show-off who just gets off on starting fake controversy so she can get on TV. Also, the suggestion that we should have debtor's prisons is laughable. What is she, a villian from a Dickens novel?
So who would like to see Ann Coulter and Dickons sit down and have a debate on this issue??? :evilgrin:
I'd LOVE to watch that takedown!
So who would like to see Ann Coulter and Dickons sit down and have a debate on this issue??? :evilgrin:
I'd LOVE to watch that takedown!
You are so sweet TG!!! This article just made me feel someone had poured acid in my mouth...
SHE has no clue what it is like to be adopted and cherry picked what she used and then creatively used words to make it something other than it is...
Teenage years are when adoption feelings are the HARDEST to process of all the years of childhood - and of course you aren't going to write down stuff your parents are going to read AND then you also have the loyalty feelings of telling OUTSIDERS of your feelings that will reflect on how people view your FAMILY...the results are USELESS...
Can you see I am still upset about her words???
Team Dickons all the way,
when she started talking about adopted teens I was floored, I grew up with other adoptees and those years were the hardest for us, hormones, questions, arg, this article made me want to scream!
usisarah- I am taking a math class this summer for nursing school. One of the things we had to learn for that class was Venn diagrams. My brain was utterly vapor locked trying to figure those things out. When you said Ann must have missed the math class covering Venn diagrams I laughed out loud. I personally think that she was there, however, when she saw a question like, "The intersection of set (A U B) with set (C') equals what number?" she cut class and went to the bathroom to smoke. I haven't smoked in 15 years and it nearly drove me to do that! I think Ann says stuff like this to stir people up and get her guest spots on all sorts of TV shows. I don't take her seriously.
I don't take her seriously.
Thankfully plenty of us don't.
Frighteningly? Plenty of people DO. And that's where my fear comes in! :eek:
usisarah- I am taking a math class this summer for nursing school. One of the things we had to learn for that class was Venn diagrams. My brain was utterly vapor locked trying to figure those things out. When you said Ann must have missed the math class covering Venn diagrams I laughed out loud. I personally think that she was there, however, when she saw a question like, "The intersection of set (A U B) with set (C') equals what number?" she cut class and went to the bathroom to smoke. I haven't smoked in 15 years and it nearly drove me to do that! I think Ann says stuff like this to stir people up and get her guest spots on all sorts of TV shows. I don't take her seriously.
Bahahahahahaha! Well if you ever need help with them, send me a PM!
If you did have a debate, you'd have to make sure to get the hair flip down and practice running your hands through your hair just so...I'd hate for you to lose points because you weren't prepared in the 'meaningless gestures that are meant to make me look smart but really make me look like an airhead' category.