I need advice and fast! I am a birth mother. My son was put up for an open adoption in 1992. He is now 19 years old. The communication between his adoptive parents and myself was fairly good in the early years. When he turned 5, communication stopped. I half expected it as thats what the contract stated. I wrote to the adoptive parents about 8 months ago, just with my new contact information, should they or he ever want it. I did not want to cause any friction within their family, and did not want to disturb their lives. I had actually written the letter about a million times and never sent it. I know he is an "adult" now but wanted to respect his family. He called me yesterday out of the blue. I was floored, and to be honest, it was the happiest day I have had in a very long time. To actually hear his voice was amazing. No matter what I was going through in my life, I thought of him every day. Sadly, it seems he is at a crossroads with his parents regarding his future and my letters were given to him in an "intervention" type scenario. I wish they could have contacted me first to let me know, but that is all in the past now. He wants to meet with me in a few hours. I do not want to say the wrong thing. I want to support him, but I also have my own theories on college and what not which seems to be the issue between him and his parents. I am a mom of two other boys, in high school and I definitely push for college and to do their best. I also have very real memories of being a 19 year old and thinking my parents have no idea what they were talking about. (this has passed, they do know some stuff) I do not want to put him off either. I definitely want a relationship with him, if he will have me. It is his choice. I had to make the choices I did so many years ago and would never push myself on him.
What do I do? what do I say? What do I NOT say more importantly. Help.....
Be yourself. Get to know him. He may just really want to meet you and get to know you.
If it is about school don't get in the middle but there is nothing wrong with listening and perhaps that is all he needs - to feel heard.
Kind regards,
Dickons (adoptee)
Thank you! I know I am over analyzing this meeting. Guess its to be expected. Its not like this happens every day to me. Or to many I suspect.
I just pray he wants to have some contact in the future. But on his terms. And I want to be supportive but not undo anything his adoptive parents have done. We did speak on the phone yesterday for an hour and the conversation went well. He does not seem, at least on the surface, to hold any resentment towards me, which as a birth mom, is always a fear.
thank you again,
You will be fine - take your camera and get pictures. He may feel comfortable enough to ask you some hard to answer questions - but it doesn't mean he feels resentment it simply means he wants to know the first chapter of his life.
Kind regards,