This speech is really striking a chord in me right now... just wanted to share. I'm planning a road trip this year to check out the monument. Have any of you seen it yet? [url=]The MLK that's never quoted - YouTube[/url]
I agree wholeheartedly! Since I posted this video, I think I've replayed it 100x... there is something in his words that are speaking to me personally. I'd heard this speech years ago, but sometimes you aren't "ready" and for some inexplicable reason - this time I was "ready".
This speech literally knocked me over the head and I felt like my eyes were wide open. I think I will replay it again... :)
I spent a lot of time not appreciating MLK because I thought he was too soft. It wasn't until college when I was introduced to more of his speeches, letters, etc. ("America gave us a bad check") that I began to respect his perspective.