everytime I think I have found a reliable sitter, I am disappointed! What do you all do for sitters?
I don't. Sorry not what you wanted to hear. For my little ones, I have used Kyle's former foster mom. That's for respite though. Kyle has a parent meeting on Wed at his Dev Preschool. I can't go because N has PT the hour before the meeting and Kyle has OT at his private therapist 45 minutes away. I just don't have anyone around close that is licensed. I don't know any foster parents around here. Hoping there will be someone that I can connect with at the meeting next week.
I know! Childcare is soo frustrating. I pay really, really well and I either can't find someone or I do have someone but she doesn't give them their meds (little guy is asthmatic and needs a pancreas) or go over the spelling/reading list (honestly less than 10 minutes). I pay like its a "real" job why ca't they treat it as one?