First time Foster parent in Broward County (Ft Lauderdale) Florida, and I need help in understanding. We have had a foster child with us for 18 months and the mother has done all she needed to do but still can not be unsupervised with the child.
A week ago they changed the Judical Review Case plan to Adoption. What does that really mean? What are the next steps? we really want to adopt this child, its the reason we became foster parents, but what are courts steps and what can we expect to happen and maybe a possible time line? Can anyone tell us how this system works, or supposed to work? Next court date is three months with the magistrate. I appreciate any help or information and type slow because I really need this broken down. :)
Thank you.
There doesn't seem to be a lot of activity on this board. You may want to try the general foster parent support forum. I'm sorry I can't help - I probably know less than you do. Good luck.
If the goal was changed to Adoption, then TPR has to be done. I can't give you a timeline as my first TPR was voluntary and my 2 little ones came TPR'd.
They will have to file for TPR. And then you'll have to go to trial and then there's an appeal period before adoption. Just because they are changing goal to adoption it may not stick if Mom is doing her part. I'm curious why they are doing this when you say she's done alot of her case plan already? Normally Florida is gung ho for RU.
We adopted our niece thru Florida's FC system and it took forever. Biomom was TPR'd in another state and then we finalized in Florida. It took along time (about a year) from TPR to finalization. If you are just starting out you may want to get with the SW and ask her for the timeline. She may be able to answer your questions better then any of us can.
Good luck!
Mom has completed all that has been request except for job and stable living arrangement. She is homeless and shows signs of mental instability.
Well not having a place to live is a pretty good reason for her not to get custody sad :(