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You obviously have NO idea what open adoption really is. You should have never in no way shape or form been allowed to have an open adoption plan if this is how you were going to talk about the birth mother of your daughter. This is absolutely disgusting behavior. I AM A BIRTH MOTHER! I am on my adoptive mother's Facebook page. I talk to her regularly. We text, I post photos of my son, we comment on each other's photos, they are even coming here for a visit in a couple of months. We call the baby OUR SON because he is in fact OUR SON. I absolutely HATE adoptive parents like you. You give a horrible name to what adoption is and what open adoption is. You make it sound like it is so horrible. What you did is make the wrong decision because in your words "you were so desperate." Which is the ABSOLUTE WRONG REASON! I'll pray that your daughter never turns out like you and can actually see the benefits of an open adoption even though her adoptive mother is a horrible human being. I hope that her birth mother does stay in contact and continues to make you "bite off more than you can chew." Shame on you.