Originally Posted By terryI came from a private adoption and my records are sealed in los angeles county. To petition the court you have to give a reason. Other than the need to know or medical resons what could you put to convience the judge to open you birth records. Need fathers name listed on birth certifcate. Found birthmother too late, she died 3 years befour my locating her. Want to locate birthfather before its too late.
Check with the court, call and just ask questions of the clerk of adoption. I'm in Delaware and just went through the process of trying to obtain my records. I was told that the judge, unless there was written documentation refusing the opening from a birth parent, the judge normally released the file. That being said - all identifying information was redacted. Instead, in DE at least, I petitioned the court solely for my birth ceritificate which is not redacted - court files and adoption files are by law. Check the code for the state and move from there. If you want some help going over it, message me.