I am looking for my biological parents, I know my mom's name but the agency that handled my adoption is now closed, it was the Texas Cradle Society, and I was adopted abroad, can someone help me? because at the texas Registration service they ask for my state provided ID and as I said, I was adopted abroad
They simply want you to provide id from a governmental authority where you live. A drivers license, a passport, an id card from your local authority. I don't know if they would require a notaried copy or just a photocopy - you would need to ask.
There is a state registry in Texas that is a mutual consent registry so there is a slim chance that you will find a match if you agree to be on it.
There are also other registries - this site (see tab reunite above), and the which you should consider posting your search on.
I am sending you a private message.
Kind regards,
I am also just starting my search.
I have no idea where to start. I do know the state (FL.) where I was born requires a letter.
I have called the states registry and they gave me three phone numbers to call.
One was disconnected, one asked me to leave a message and the third was no answer.
What gives?