It is going to depend on many things. Your best bet is to contact a few agencies. You will need a homestudy, and for that you need an agency. Prices for homestudies vary depending on where you are. They will interview you, and check your house, you will also have background checks, you must have a physical or at least have your doctor sign a form that you are healthy. You will need to provide financial information that proves you can afford to raise a child. Then you will need to decide what your parameters are. Are you open to any race? What about special needs? What about drug exposure? If you use an agency they will help you prepare the paper work. How long it takes can vary greatly as can the cost. There are legal costs, and the cost of the homestudy at the very least. If you use an agency to help you find a match, they will have fees as well. In some areas you can end up paying some living expenses of the expectant mother while she is pregnant and some medical bills.
There are many countries from which you can adopt. In general adopting from other countries is expensive. You must still do a home study and you must complete the paperwork requirements of both countries governments. The homestudy for foreign adoption is different than the homestudy for domestic adoption and there are more hoops to jump through. You cannot adopt a newborn from another country, so you will want to educate yourself on the issues of adopting older children and on the issues of faced by children coming from other countries. Your paperwork will need to be specifically for a certain country. You will need to research agencies and countries. Each country has different requirements. Some only allow married couples to adopt, they may have rules about income, length of marriage, age, other children in the home, etc.