Hi Everyone,
*note: this is a repeat from other forums, but I wanted to make sure that I introduce myself to everyone.
Here's a little bit about me, so you know I'm a human and know of my ties to adoption. :woohoo:
I am a new admin for the forums and have been with for a little over 3 weeks.
I am a 30 year old female who is married to the love of my life. He is the most kind person I have ever known, and for this, I feel fortunate every day of my life. We haven't been able to have children yet and I am very compassionate for those who struggle with fertility. We still hope to conceive with treatments, but also want to adopt as soon as we are financially able (he is a student and I work to support us). I have always wanted to adopt, even before I knew of the fertility issues.
I have adopted family members and a brother who fosters children. His foster kids have become like family members to my entire family. I have loved all of them and understand not being able to help the attachment, even if your heart knows they can not stay forever. His most recent foster siblings placed with his friend. Its been is a great blessing to still be able to see the girls. They are doing remarkably.
Prior to this role, I have been a high school teacher and have the point of view from an educators standpoint of both foster and adopted children in the classroom. I love kids, which lead me to my role at I enjoy creating art and music. Before my recent move to Idaho, I taught my nieces and nephews art lessons.
I hope that helps to see a little more of my human side. I want you to know I'm truly an advocate for you. I walked into this thing with all of the forum bugs you are facing. I'm trying to get them fixed and have to be patient for that also. You all are SO WONDERFUL at keeping communication going through this. At times, I will pose questions and links to interesting articles on here as my way of assisting in conversation. If you find value in responding- GREAT! If you have other ideas of something you connect better to, write that. Others, including myself, love to hear your valuable insights. You are amazing people and in your words I can feel your value for family. My family is everything to me, so we will always have that common ground.
Feel free to give an introduction if you like! I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone on here more.
-Spud :Chewie:
Welcome...since you are new I have a question. A lot of us are interested in a forum thread specifically for people trying to adopt independently. And I really mean agency, etc. there is no current forum thread that addresses this. We generally communicate offline. Is this a possible thread that can be created?
Welcome...since you are new I have a question. A lot of us are interested in a forum thread specifically for people trying to adopt independently. And I really mean agency, etc. there is no current forum thread that addresses this. We generally communicate offline. Is this a possible thread that can be created?
As per request, I am pleased to announce that there is a new category for the forums!
You can find :disco: INDEPENDENT ADOPTION :disco: under the Adoptive Parents section. This is a place where people, who are hoping to adopt without the assistance of an agency or adoption professionals, can discuss best practices.
Let's have a race to see who can start the first thread! :woohoo: :moped: :woohoo: