Ok so this is a weird question but I think I need some advice as to how to approach this and if I can do anything about it.
As Many of you know bio mom is MIA since Oct. of last year and here we are in march and still MIA. Anyways I have no idea how to go about this and if I can do anything about it. Lil miss has split ends and usually I would go to a beauty parlor and have my own cut out in order to give my hair some strength. But since she is my FD I have no idea how I should do this, I just don't want her hair looking all dry like it is right now.
Any advice what I should do or who should I talk to?
You should ask the cw for permission to get it trimmed. Ask if ends can be trimmed. It's hard to get permission for an actual haircut. And it's easier to get permission for a little boy than a baby or little girl. For a trim, the CW will ask mom. Mom may be worried that a trim will take off more than she's comfortable with. She may want Little Miss to have long hair. So, at the next visit with cw, show her the ends that are split and ask if you can have them trimmed..
ETA: I wasn't allowed to get Angel's hair cut for the first year. It was in his eyes so I trimmed it at home myself. No one ever noticed. I think his biomom thought it magically stayed the same length.
You can try that. Just trim the very ends once or twice a month. Do not trim enough that anyone notices it. Just trim the very ends after you wash her hair. Comb it out and just take a 1/4 inch off bottom.
Wait a few weeks and if it's still bad, take another 1/4 inch off bottom.
That is what I always did for trims. Secretly snipped a little in between visits. It is harder to do with a verbal kid though. So I would probably ask. Phrase it as "so little you wouldn't even notice." It shouldn't be a problem. The other option is to have it trimmed and then act surprised you were supposed to ask permission and tell them you thought you only needed permission for haircuts, not trims ;)
Since biomom is MIA CW should be able to give permission. All you're trying to do is maintain healthy hair for her.
My AS CW and I had the understanding that we could cut his hair as long as there were no major changes (no buzz cuts, mohawks, etc. ). We were just maintaining his appearance. He has a haircut about every 6 weeks. Can you imagine having to get permission that often? His previous FM would trim his hair at home with no problems.
Since biomom is MIA CW should be able to give permission. All you're trying to do is maintain healthy hair for her.
My AS CW and I had the understanding that we could cut his hair as long as there were no major changes (no buzz cuts, mohawks, etc. ). We were just maintaining his appearance. He has a haircut about every 6 weeks. Can you imagine having to get permission that often? His previous FM would trim his hair at home with no problems.
Oh cool I will ask my CW better since things are so cut and dry with them I need to make sure I tell them what is going on so nothing gets construed.
Double check with your caseworker, but out here we have to "maintain the current style". This would allow for small trims, but not a major change. For example, if the child had bangs, we could keep those going, or do maintenance to keep a crew cut looking snappy, but we couldn't add bangs or go from shoulder length hair to a crew cut.
This was the problem that was faced by my elder sister. Someone suggested her about Hair beauty supply online products from . I also read in a survey that head massage can be helpful in this problem. You can also take a look here to check if this is helpful-
- Use an Herbal Rinse
- Use a wide tooth wood comb
- Eat Flax seeds
Last update on February 3, 4:34 am by Ethel Moss.
Sometimes it can take time to repair dried out hair and can be a result of poor nutrition as so many of these children come from situations less than desirable. I would imagine her nails are also brittle too. Foster Parents are angels in all they do. Condition and use products to help promote growth and make sure she is eating healthy. A little trip never hurts either ;-)
My last FD had terrible split ends and uneven hair. Those both make hair tangle more. Mom said "no" to a trim. CW and supervisor overruled her, saying it was a health and safety issue, because it tangled and hurt more to comb.
My 2nd placement was a 6 yo with a HUGE afro. He was into playing so his afro wasn't neat. It irked me. CW agreed but bio mom didn't want it cut as he was going to have it braided. I took him to the barber and got it cut. I told him he would have to keep it neat if he wanted any type of hairstyle as I'm no good with hair. CW agreed with me.