Originally Posted By Stacy(davis) Hutchens
I am lloking for my birthfamily. I have tried this once or twice but so far I haven't had very much luck. I have some information about myself. I was born on March the 24th, 1972 in Dothan, Alabama. My birthname was either Margret or Martha Faye Blackmon. I was adopted from the administrative building in Montgomery ,Alabama in November of 1972. If you think that you can help, please leave a message for me on this message board.
I am also looking for my brother who was born in October 1980 and was placed for adoption in March of 1981. If you have any information please leave a note on this message board. Thank you.
Is this your birth brother or is it your adoptive brother searching for his birth family as well? The reason I ask is that I am searching for my baby brother who was born in Oct. 1980 in Dothan,Ala. and given up for adoption and would like to see if any info matches. My mother's last name at the time was Mertes. Please reply if you get this message.:) :)
Have you contacted the probate office in Montgomery? You records may be there. Let me know. I am an adoptee and finally found my birthmother after 15 years of searching! Alabama is pretty relaxed on opening the records. Contact the probate office.
Have you tried to contact the Department of Human Resources in Montgomery? That's who I used about 10 years ago before records were opened. They searched for me for free. They set me up with a case worker in Scottsboro, AL. The case worker helped me find 1 brother, 1 sister and our birthmother. I can give you the website to email them or the address to write to. You can email me at or post to this thread.
i have contacted them. they are unable to help me since i wasn't given up for adoption by my mother. she had me and my brother when she became pregnant and was unable to care for a third child. therefore i am part of the birth family and not able to get info on my brother who was adopted. thank you for your suggestions.
Congradulations!! I am happy that you found your siblings and birthmother. How did the reunion go? Keep it touch. My name is julie and my email address is You may still have a wild road to travel but the answers are there for you.